WT146 – Matt’s Story Stick

Special thanks to our show sponsor: Festool.

On today’s show, we’re talking about wooden planes for the beginner, sassafrass toxicity, hinges for a bathroom vanity, choosing between Festool Domino models, finishing around an inlay, and how to make a tenon for a breadboard end.


What’s on the Bench

Marc finished up the hidden drawer on his Greene & Greene Blanket Chest. Matt is making some nice wooden hoops. Shannon stopped building so he can start building.

What’s New

– Coming soon! Weekend Warrior Magazine (online only)
Lights from water bottles.
Mateo’s sweet dance moves!
– Ingrained – Makes woodworking look cool!


– Information for a previous caller about the potential value of his used hand planes.


– Walter needs help purchasing the right block plane. He’s considering Veritas and Scott Meeks. Marc also recommended he check out Blum Tool Co.
– Doug has a question about Sassafras toxicity.
– Pat is looking for concealed hinges for a bathroom vanity.
– Rick wants to know which Domino is best for his work: the DF 500 or the DF 700.
– Will is trying to avoid getting finish on a decorative inlay.
– David is looking for advice on creating tearout free tenons for a breadboard end.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks to Jeffrey R. and everyone else for their continued support.

Don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like Pappa Rysm and Fish37 did.

Special thanks to Andrew Allen for creating our music. Check him out at KeysWithSoul.com.

WT145 – It’s Flamminable!

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and SawStop.

On today’s show, we’re talking about knowing when a design is right, replacement parts for hand planes, cambering blades, and using Waterlox finish.


What’s on the Bench

Marc finished up the assembly of his blanket chest case and is pondering hidden drawer options. Matt is making some sweet iPhone cases. Shannon is finishing up some carved signs.

What’s New

Open source furniture with OpenDesk.
– Making a spatula!


– Josh, Brian and Lamar all sent in kickback about our flammables cabinet discussion last week.

– Lamar included a link to an American Woodworking article on Making a Flammables Cabinet.


– Dustin wants our thoughts on knowing when a design is just right.
– Robert is looking for parts for his newly acquired hand planes.
– Chris wants advice on cambering his plane blades.
– Matt wants to know what we think of Waterlox as a finish for interior millwork.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks to Charles M. and everyone else for their continued support.

Don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like Engineer in Wood did.

Special thanks to Andrew Allen for creating our music. Check him out at KeysWithSoul.com.

WT144 – The Happiness Show

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool, SawStop, and Audible.com. Get your FREE AUDIOBOOK today!

On today’s show, we’re talking about finish storage and disposal, hand saws for re-sawing, and the properties of Danish Oil.


What’s on the Bench

Marc is trying to decide how to order events in his current blanket chest build and he’s heading to Nashville for a Powermatic event. Matt’s finishing up his wife’s wedding boxes and made a fire pit for the back yard.
**Note** I made some comments about Powermatic being at AWFS. I didn’t realize at the time that they actually didn’t attend AWFS this year.

What’s New

– Frank Howarth’s stop-motion videos are blowing up!!

Poll of the Week

What’s the most you’ve spent on a single tool?


– William recommends the use of a toilet bowl cleaner called target=”_blank”>The Works to remove rust.
– Lamar sent us a link to a book that inspires him, though it isn’t specifically about woodworking: Built to Last.


– John is looking for advice on resawing with a hand saw. Bob from Logan Cabinet Shoppe helped us out with a details answer.
– Adam wants to know if he needs a “flammables” cabinet to store his finishes.
– Ben is wondering about cleanup and storage of oil-based finishes.
– Pat has a question about the drying time of Danish Oil.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks to Archie K. and everyone else for their continued support.

Don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like Headpawn did.

Special thanks to Andrew Allen for creating our music. Check him out at KeysWithSoul.com.

WT143 – Belly Jelly

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and SawStop.

On today’s show, we’re talking about milk paint, skill-building projects for hand tool woodworkers, and an interview with Matt Kenney from Fine Woodworking Magazine.


What’s on the Bench

Marc is sick. Matt’s hands are tired from all that sanding. Shannon is gearing up his vacation shop.

What’s New?

– Looking for blacksmiths? Abana.org
Are You Making These Mistakes with Your Garage?
– Don’t miss Fine Woodworking Live this weekend!


– In response to our rust discussion about rust prevention in Episode 142, Jack suggests we look at Naval Jelly.

– In response to the guy finishing the live edge board in Episode 142, Earl suggests he try spray can lacquer and poly as an alternative.


– Nick has a question about milk paint and wood sealing.
– Ryan wants to know what projects serve as skill-builders for hand tool woodworkers.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks to Andrew P. and Martin S. and everyone else for their continued support.

Don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like Superhero4Life did.

Special thanks to Andrew Allen for creating our music. Check him out at KeysWithSoul.com.

WT142 – Chuck Bender’s Carving Boot Camp

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and SawStop.

On today’s show, we’re talking about Ouija Boards, low angle planes on figured woods, olive oil on kitchen items, old log wood, finishing a live edge board, and rust removal.

What’s on the Bench

Marc has opened up the pre-order on his Hybrid Woodworking book and is working on the panels for the G&G Blanket Chest.

What’s New?

Gaming Table is awesomesauce!
Free design course coming this fall.
– Escher Chess Board:

– Dovetails on the tablesaw:

– When you need a wooden reindeer in a hurry:

– Benchcrafted’s French Oak Roubo Project video:

Poll of the Week

How do you feel about files and rasps?


– AJ Hopkins suggests TSP (trisodium phosphate) as a way to darken wood without using excessively hard chemicals, a topic discussed in Episode 141
– Mark has additional advice for moving one’s tools, in response to Episode 141.
– Bob Rozaieski has additional input concerning bevels on carving gouges, discussed in Episode 141.


– Stewart want our thoughts on dog hole drilling and placement.


– Jerry is looking for material suggestions for a Ouija board.
– Chris is pondering a Veritas Low Angle Plane VS a #4 Smoother.
– Andy is working with a live edge board and wants our recommendation for finishing strategies.
– Tim wants to know if it’s ok to finish his kitchen items with olive oil.
– Jared wants to know if an old log will exhibit much movement after being cut up into slabs.
– Brian has some rust spots and wants them gone. Matt recommends this product for rust protection and Shannon suggested he watch this video.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks to T. Dupper and everyone else for their continued support.

Don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like GerryKD, EdgarSonneborg, and Mosoak did.

Special thanks to Andrew Allen for creating our music. Check him out at KeysWithSoul.com.

WT141 – Quality Control is Boring!

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool, SawStop and Audible.com. Be sure to get your free audiobook today!

On today’s show, we’re talking about preparing your tools for a move, using dangerous chemicals for finishing, carving gouge bevels, the ruler trick on bevel up planes, factory certifications, and cutting teeny tiny mortises.

What’s on the Bench

Marc had to stop working on the western red cedar table to being his Greene & Greene Blanket Chest project. He’s pleased with the thickness of the 4/4 stock. Matt is not happy with his old grinder. Shannon is enjoying creating decorative firewood with his new lathe.

What’s New?

– Festool Carvex Jigsaw hits the market on Sept. 1st 2013. Cordless, exchangeable bases, brushless motors

AWFS Fair starts TODAY until July 27th in Las Vegas.
Fine Woodworking Live is coming up on August 8th-11th in New Haven Connecticut.
Modern Woodworking Association trying to kick butt in the build-off.
– Centipede Tool announces they reached enough funding to guarantee initial orders of their new sawhorses will go into production.
Mary May makes her beginning carving videos FREE!
Rethink your definition of a workbench!

– Doucette and Wolfe Chippendale Chest of Drawers:

For the over-thinkers.
John Economaki’s “Fog of War” Board How To post

Poll of the Week

What do you consider to be the heart of the shop?


– Ben sent us a link to a video that shows how someone dealt with a dust extractor that was too powerful, as discussed in Episode 138.

– Mike brings our attention to Raymond Overholzer, a furniture-maker who’s work pre-dates even Wharton Esherick. This pertains to a discussion that began in Episode 113 and continued in Episode 140. He also recommends Matt take a trip to the Shrine of the Pines.


– Wes is looking for advice on prepping his tools for a move.
– Todd wants our opinions on using dangerous chemicals as part of his finish process.
– Ed is trying to determine which side of a carving gouge is the proper side to bevel.
– Pug wants to know if he can use the “ruler trick” on a bevel up plane.
– Dustin wants to know our thoughts on factory certifications and how they pertain to tool quality.
– Damon is looking for advice on how to make small mortises.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks to Andrew S. and everyone else for their continued support.

Don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like Jim M. in Tenessee, SpiffPeters, and Matthew SanDiego did.

Special thanks to Andrew Allen for creating our music. Check him out at KeysWithSoul.com.

WT140 – Patrick Swayze’s Ghost Clock

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and SawStop. And thanks to Andrew Allen for making our theme song. Check out his Star Trek album Smooth Federation.

On today’s show, we’re talking about books that inspire us, wood movement in workbenches, cutting dovetails on long boards, and 4/4 vs 8/4 pricing.

What’s on the Bench

Marc paid a visit to Porter Barn Wood and picked up a nice little stash. Matt picked up some big timber for his new Vanderbo workbench! Shannon is playing with his shave-pony.

Around the Web

– What inspires Chris Wong.

– TED talk by Michael Green who wants to build 30 story tall wooden skyscrapers.


– Stan has some feedback on our Maloof ethics discussion from Episode 113.
– Mark has been catching up with past episodes of Wood Talk and has some observations to make.
– Tom Buhl clarifies a book recommendation made by Shannon in Episode 138.
– Pete has a funny story about making your own fire starters using sawdust discussed in Episode 136.
– Jonathon recommends Illustrated Guide to Choosing and Installing Hardware by Robert Settich.


– Dude from Michigan has a question about laminating boards.


– An email from a few weeks ago asked us about our favorite books, and this week we focus on our favorite inspirational books.
Marc: In the Greene & Greene Style, G&G Design Elements for the Workshop, G&G Furniture:Poems of Wood & Light, Fine Woodworking’s Design Book
Soul of a Tree, Furniture of Renwick Gallery, Furniture of Queene Anne and Chippendale Period.

Matt – Woodworking Wit & Wisdom
– Barron has a question about workbench top movement.
– Jonathan has a question about cutting dovetails on long boards.
– Rick asks for some clarification on 4/4 and 8/4 lumber pricing.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks to everyone for their generous donations!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like Wood Talk Online Groupie and William Davis did.

WT139 – Less Than 1%

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and SawStop. And thanks to Andrew Allen for making our new theme song. Check out his Star Trek album Smooth Federation.

On today’s show, we’re talking about expansion differences between hardwood and softwood, resaw alternatives to the bandsaw, and the difference between parallelogram and dovetail way jointers.

What’s on the Bench

Marc is fresh off his trip to Nerdtacular 2013. Matt went camping and brought a wooden 6-pack carrier. Shannon is thinking about designing a room’s worth of furniture for his in-laws house in Maine.

Around the Web

– Adam Savage (Myth Busters) has another woodworking related video, this time about coping saws:

– Making drinking vessels in Romania:

– Wooden Batteries:

– Never Wet

– Handheld CNC:

– Making a wooden lampshade:

IKEA uses a staggering 1% of the world’s wood every year!


– Jeremy wants to know if softwoods expand and contract at different rates than hardwoods.
– James is looking to resaw some boards with something other than a bandsaw.
– Jacob wants to know the difference between parallel and dovetail way jointers as well as our thoughts on Grizzly tools.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks to Dane C., Larry S., and Andy K. for their generous donations!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like DontBHatin, Kccdoughboy, City Woodworker, and FriscoMike did.

WT138 – Plane Away From The Nuts

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Arbortech.

On today’s show, we’re talking about our must-have books, breaking bits, a saw to do it all, our choice in clamps, a shop vac that sucks too hard, tool maintenance frequency, and turning a cyclone on too many times.

What’s on the Bench

Marc solved his spiral design dilemma and moved on to the pizza peel project. Matt got his butt off the couch and re-organized his tool wall. Shannon is prepping for his next lathe build and is waiting for his new Grizzly planer to arrive.

Around the Web

– Norm speaking at the Festool Connect 2013 event:

Japanese cabinet making
Robot bartender and a beautiful table
A no-nonsense board feet calculator
Why aren’t our gadget still covered in wood?


– In response to Episode #133, Dane gives us some technical details on why it’s ok to leave our plane blades under pressure during storage.
– In response to Episode #136, Dave gave us a link to the circular saw based table saw. He also mentions that we should give a shout out to Jeffry Lohr, founder of Moringa Community.
– In response to Wood Talk #137 where we discussed areas you can save money:
Tony recommends buying used cabinets for the shop and buying sandpaper in bulk.
Tom recommends NOT buying cheap Baltic Birch ply, as it has given him problems in the past. He also mentions that you should find out what woods are plentiful in your area and stock up when the prices are low. He also says to avoid jigs, fixtures, gizmos that solve a non-problem or that provide a benefit which is readily shop made or even accomplished with a bit of skill. Things like bench cookies, dovetail jigs, tapering jigs, self-clamping straight edges.
Mike recommends going with fewer tools. He says, “A few quality tools, a creative mind, and a lot of attention to detail will generate some amazing results.” He also mentions that pallets are a great source for practice wood.

Poll of the Week

Have you ever participated in a 2×4 challenge?


– Allen wants to know what clamps we prefer and why.
– George is wondering if it’s possible for a shop vac to suck too hard when attached to a sander.
– Mike from LA is wondering how often we perform routine power tool maintenance and how often he should be turning his cylone on.


– Andrew broke is 1/4″ router bit and needs some advice.
– Fred wants to know what three books we feel every woodworker should own.
– Andreas is looking for a saw that both rips and cross-cuts.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks to William D. and David T. for their generous donations!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like PGoodman1981 did:

WT137 – Rabbeting Block Plane For The Win!

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Arbortech.

On today’s show, we’re talking about choosing between the router plane and rabbeting block plane, areas of woodworking where it is OK skimp, burnishing scraper planes.

What’s on the Bench

Matt tried to help a friend with their cheap maple table and it just didn’t work out. Shannon is having more issues with his DeWalt planer. Marc is having design brain freeze.


Festool reconditioned tools (save up to 30%).
10% off Bad Axe Saws until July 4th.

Around the Web

Using smart phones to monitor for the sounds of illegal logging in the rain forests.
Treatise on saw tooth geometry and “hybrid filing.”
Mario Rodriguez carves a chair seat on the table saw.


– A Jeremy Hopkins has some feedback on Episode 136. He thinks that Shannon is a jerk (my words, not his) for suggesting folks use plywood to make full-scale drawings. He also has thoughts on what to do with extra sawdust, including selling it to urban chicken farmers, making stove pellets, and selling it to local boy scout troops for firestarter supplies.
– Stu sent us a voice kickback and a discussion we had back in Episode 65 about the quality of Marples chisels.


– Roberto has a question about vacuum sealing finishes.
– Kyle wants to know when to use the variable speed function of his trim router as well as the differences between cabinet scrapers and scraper planes.


– Chris has $200 to spend and wants to know if he should get a rabbeting block plane or a router plane.
– Miles wants to know where we feel it’s ok to skimp and save money.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Thanks Michael C.

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did:

WT136 – The One Without Matt

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Arbortech.

On today’s show, we’re talking about wiping varnish, building with something other than 3/4″ stock, disposing of sawdust, and restoring some old Stanley planes.

What’s on the Bench

Shannon’s enjoying a break between projects. Marc finished up his tilt-top tables and had some quality time with his low angle jack plane.

Around the Web

What to do with your old hockey sticks!
Bob Lang’s fancy hand tool project.
– A crazy Canadian using a chainsaw to cut dovetails (not a recommended method!)

Poll of the Week

Is Woodworking Art?


– Dustin is having trouble applying wiping varnish.
– Rick wants to know if he can deviate from the 3/4″ thick stock that most seem to use to build their furniture.
– Michael is curious to know if Arm-R-Seal is worth the additional cost?
– Jason is looking for advice on tuning up a few old planes.
– Brian wants to know where he can get rid of his sawdust.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: William David

WT135 – Hurley’s Ash

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Arbortech.

On today’s show, we’re talking about Japanese chisels with Wilbur Pan, getting the most from a dust extractor, planing one side of a board, veneering, storing left-over finish, and ash for hurleys.

What’s on the Bench

Shannon is having trouble working maple because it’s hard. Matt is trying his hand at sharpening his hand tools. Marc is having fun making an ellipse and also recommends folks join his Woodworking group on GoodReads.com.


Not enough white oak for a Mayflower replica.
Scott Meek is auctioning off a Mesquite smoother for charity to benefit Oklahoma.

Around the Web

A car made from wood.
Making a secretary desk.
Saw sharpening video from Andy.

Poll of the Week

Have you ever made a chair?


– Jim has some thoughts and insights on the supposed decline of woodworking in America discussed in Episode #134.
– Keith gave us some insights on the origin of Handworks 2013 as discussed in Episode #134.
– WoodChuck sent in a link to these fancy setup blocks for lock miter bits, as discussed in Episode #134.


– Mariah wants to know if the cheaper Japanese chisel sets are worth it. Wilbur Pan steps in to help us answer the question.
– Chris wants to know if he can get away with using a Festool dust extractor for his larger tools.
– Keith is curious if milling stock from one side of a board will cause it to warp.
– Dusty is looking for veneering advice. Marc recommends he check out VeneerSupplies.com.
– Scott has questions about storing oil-based finishes after mixing. Marc recommends Bloxygen.
– Paul has some questions about using Ash to make hurleys.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: Christopher Allen, Jaw2JAb, Mswoodchucks, and rroselavy.

WT134 – Handworks

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and SawStop.

On today’s show, we’re talking about the Handworks event in Iowa, locking miter joints, quality dividers, locating an air filter, using OSB, dealing with large wet slabs, and alternatives to weight down your boards when stickering and stacking.


The Handworks event took place this past weekend and we discuss the feedback from listeners.

Around the Web

A piano repurposed for tool storage!
Tom Buhl’s awesome chalk art. Past work by Tom.
Amazing sculptures that look like silk but are made from wood.


– In response to Episode 133, Jon suggests folks look into Locust as an alternative to pressure treated wood.
– Tim in Ottawa thinks it’s a great time to be a woodworker. We agree!


– Mr. B has some questions about a board that broke along the glue line and a table top repair.


– Jacob is looking for our thoughts on locking miter bits.
– Tim needs some advice on locating his new Jet air filter.
– Shawn needs a good quality set of dividers.
– Ernesto has a client that insists he use inferior materials.
– Milo needs to know how to handle a few fresh cut live edge oak slabs.
– Dan is pondering his options for applying pressure to retain flatness in a stack of wood.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store.

WT133 – Pork Roll on the Bandsaw

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and SawStop.

On today’s show, we’re talking about Marples blades, Sweetheart vs Bailey, storing hand planes, high end sanders, protecting your assembly table, and pressure treated wood.

What’s on the Bench?

Matt gives us a rundown on his experience at Weekend with WOOD!


– Join us for a live recording at the Keystone Bar & Grill in Covington, KY on Saturday October 19th, 2013.
SketchUp 2013 just released!
The Village Carpenter retires her blog. 🙁

Around the Web

Another cool stop-motion video by Frank Howarth featuring his big jointer.
Using baking soda and a sand blaster to remove finish.
– In case you haven’t seen it a million times already, here’s that video of the expanding table.

Poll of the Week

Do you dedicate for a particular task?


– Brian has some thoughts on finishing the insides and bottoms of our projects.


Mike from LA wants to know how to sharpen a Benchcrafted Skraper.


– Greg is making an end grain cutting board and wants to know if his Marples blade will be adequate.
– Glen is wondering what the difference is between Stanley Sweetheart and Stanley Bailey planes.
– Todd wants to know the correct way to store a hand plane.
– Jens is trying to decide between three high-end sanders.
– Jim wants to know if it’s advisable to put protective paper on an assembly table the way David Marks did in Woodworks.
– Tobias is looking for advice on pressure-treated wood and finish options for an outdoor play center.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Special thanks to for their generous contributions.

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: JamesonBlake, DTChristensen and If Letterman Were a Woodworker.

WT132 – Wood Talk Top 10

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and SawStop.

On today’s show, we’re talking about die grinders and burrs, PVC pipe, Forrest vs Freud, scraping after tearout, jointer bed length, granite top retrofits, back bevels, blade height, effects of finish on wood movement, and buying wood just because.

What’s on the Bench?

Shannon’s building another lathe, because you can never have too many! Matt’s headed to Weekend with WOOD in Des Moines. Marc is excited to be done with his book.

Around the Web

Indiegogo fundraiser for Robohand, a functional prosthetic hand made using 3D Printers.

Poll of the Week

Do You Paint Your Projects?


Stan has a suggestion for the person looking for a box for his severed finger from Episode # 131.


– Vic has a question about die grinders and burrs.
Marc recommend he look at Kutzall as well as searching on Amazon for “carbide burrs.”


– Mike is considering PVC for dust collection and wants to know if there are safety hazards.
– Matt is curious whether Forrest blades are worth the price compared to a decent Freud blade.
– Marilyn is looking for advice on scraping after getting tearout with a plane.
– Jake is contemplating jointer bed length.
– Milo is thinking about granite as a retrofit on his tablesaw.
– Thomas is wondering about back bevels and which blades should have them.
– Darryl isn’t sure how high his tablesaw blade should extend beyond the work. Marc recommends he read this thread on WoodWeb for various opinions and justifications.
– Manny is curious how much finish affects wood movement.
– Clinton wants to know if we ever buy wood, just because.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Special thanks to Clinton and Christopher B. for their generous contributions.

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: JamesonBlake, DTChristensen and If Letterman Were a Woodworker.

WT131 – Shannon’s Mint Julep

Special thanks to our show sponsor: Festool.

On today’s show, we’re talking about restoring a cupped table top, a box for severed fingers, using router bits with shapers, t-slot miter bars, compact table saws, bevel angles on bevel down planes, jointer options, dado blade safety, and designing difficulty.

What’s on the Bench?

Shannon is in love with his spokeshave. Matt is enjoying the after-glow of setting off his SawStop table saw. Marc is having fun with his new Easy Wood Tools.

Around the Web

Popular Woodworking Build Contest – Win a trip to Woodworking in America!
Milkman’s Workbench – Good solution for you apartment dwellers.
The Last Shovel Maker
Stop-motion segmented bowl.


– Nick confirms Marc’s suspicions that the epoxy scale mentioned in Episode 130 is just a standard digital scale.

– In response to our thin kerf blade discussion in Episode 130, Tom mentions that if you have a calibrated rule on your fence rail set up for a 1/8 inch thick blade, changing to thin kerf changes that.


– Chris has a question about restoring an old cupped/twisted table top.
– Med Tech Woodworker is looking for a box to hold his severed fingers.
– Roberto wants to know if shapers can accept standard router bit.


– Curt is considering using T-slot miter bars on his cross-cut sled.
– Several folks asked for our thoughts on jointer/planer combo machines. We recommend they check out Episode 116 at 22 minutes.
– Mike is considering his tablesaw options for his garage shop that shares space with auto repair equipment and cars.
– Milo has a question about changing the bevel angle on a bevel down plane.
– Chris is considering an 8″ jointer but knows he’s too lazy to move it around in his small space.
– Ann has a question about safety during dado blade use.
– Cory is having some difficulty designing.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Special thanks to Benjamin and Tim for their generous contributions!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: Daiglewoodworks

WT130 – Gone to the Dogs

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Hardwood To Go!

On today’s show, we’re talking about Nordfab ductwork, European style saws, availability of quartersawn wood, round vs square dog holes, thin kerf blades, smoothing expensive wood, cutting up burl, and graduating from shop projects to real furniture projects.

What’s on the Bench?

Shannon’s tool cabinet is swollen. Matt is strolling down memory lane with his old videos. Marc is enjoying his footage of the Thorsen House and getting ready to make a table from a baseball bat.

Around the Web

Woodwork Joints – Project Gutenberg
Win a starter set of hand tools!
A new tool database at www.hingmy.com
Join a Hand Plane class this weekend in Scottsdale, AZ

Poll of the Week

Are you happy with your shop?


– Nick has a solution for the issue of wasting epoxy, discussed in Episode 129.
– Don did a little testing on his Buck Brothers chisels.


– Mike from LA wants our thoughts on Nordfab ductwork and comparable options.


– Tom is considering the pros and cons of European saws.
– Dan is trying to decide between square and round dog holes for his workbench.
– Mike is having trouble finding quarter sawn wood.
– Richard wants to know if thin kerf blades offer any real advantage.
– Tom has a piece of curly Koa and wants advice for getting the most out of it.
– Don has a large maple burl and wants to know how he should cut it up.
– Clinton is having trouble moving from shop projects to real furniture builds.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Special thanks to Rick, Jacob, Adam and James for their contributions!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: Anorvell, MakoJeff, and Greg McKenna.

WT129 – One Plane To Rule Them All

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Hardwood To Go!

On today’s show, we’re talking about one plane to rule them all, leaving dovetail scribe lines, the difference between some common saws, inspecting an old table saw, using B-grade wood, fixing a warped chair seat, and using epoxy.

What’s on the Bench?

Shannon finally cut up that beautiful slab for a table top. Matt is enjoying playing with teak for the first time. Marc takes a stance on woodworking topics and talks about Woodworking Safety Day.

Around the Web

Guild member Daniel started a new woodworking site called WoodsCommunity.com
Wood stabilization resource
Turning a massive bowl
Inspiring artwork from Stony Lamar
Wilbur Pan will be discussing Japanese tools at the NYC Woodworkers Guild on April 22nd.
Hand Made in America – Sam Maloof
Adam Savage from Mythbusters attempting to do hand-cut dovetails.
Treadle lathe design.


– Graham has some feedback on “Hardwax Oil.”
– Nic has feedback on Osmo Polyx Oil finish.


– Med Tech Woodworker wants to know what we think of combo machines like the ShopSmith.


– Steven is wondering what we think about getting one plane to satisfy all of his bench plane needs, after reading this article from Fine Woodworking.
– Barron is curious if we sand/plane away our knife lines when making dovetails.
– David wants to know the difference between some common saws.
– Tony wants advice on rehabbing an older Delta cabinet saw. Old Woodworking Machines, Delta Unisaw Rehab
– Mike likes using B-grade wood and wants to know if we do as well.
– David needs some advice for repairing a warped Windsor chair seat.
– Manny wants to use epoxy as his exclusive adhesive and is curious about possible disadvantages.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! Special thanks to Shawn and Jonathan for their contributions!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: Sandhillwoodworks, NSidlaruk, and JamDL.

WT128 – British TV

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Hardwood To Go!

On today’s show, we’re talking about responsible wood usage, green mineral spirits, wood floor coating options, designing for strength, fixing a hand-cut mortise, Arm-R-Seal alternatives in the UK, riving knife usage, carving tools, radial arm saws, cross-cut sled usage, steel hardness, butcher block finishes, using good old elmers glue, and sprung joints.

What’s on the Bench?

Shannon is getting ready for a shop makeover. Matt’s playing with some laminated ring designs. Marc is finishing up his review of the Grizzly track saw and discusses a visit with Andy Chidwick.

Around the Web

Graham posted a picture of his grandfather’s apprenticeship papers
Robin Wood on the BBC

Poll of the Week

What’s Your Preferred Sharpening Method?


– Bill suggests the Sand Flee as an alternative to a drum sander in response to our discussion in Episode 127.
– Bo gives us some advice concerning liability in response to Episode 127.
– Michael recommends a book called Shop Class as Soulcraft in response to our discussion about masters and apprentices in Episode 126.


Michael wants our thoughts on designing pieces to use wood responsibly.


– Matt is not happy with the new “green” mineral spirits.
– Dell wants advice on a coating for his wooden shop floor.
– Peter wants to know how we decide on things like leg thickness when designing furniture.
– Jonathan wants to know how to fix a mangled mortise.
– Dave is looking for a Arm-R-Seal alternative in the UK.
– Marc wants some advice on riving knife usage.
– Mike is looking for a recommendation on carving tools.
– Marc wants to know why we don’t use radial arm saws.
– Kenji is looking for information on cross-cut sled usage.
– Andreas wants to know if there is an easy way to test steel hardness.
– Al wants a recommendation on butcher block finishes.
– Steelers510 wants to know if he can use standard white Elmer’s glue and if sprung joints are necessary.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: Just Piddlin’, MS-Colorado, and Trainman0978.

WT127 – Hand Tool Guy Straight

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Hardwood To Go!

On today’s show, we’re celebrating 6 years of Wood Talk by doing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary! We’re talking about circular saw blades, liability insurance, cutting face frames without big tools, upgrading your chisels, planing thin stock, choosing a shop space, creating stoped dados with hand tools, and applying Arm-R-Seal over newly stained wood.

What’s on the Bench

Shannon has paralysis by analysis concerning a gorgeous piece of walnut. Matt has a box of mixed wood that he’s really enjoying and can’t quite figure out what the species are. Marc gave in to peer pressure and purchased the Incra iBox jig.

Around the Web

Portable Mortising Router (video)
High-end saws at decent prices
Paul Sellers Poor Man’s Router
– National Geographic story about mahogany harvesting: images, text, layered map
Mysterious door in Golden Gate Park

Poll of the Week

How Important is Tool Matching?


– Stefan lets us know how a woodworker becomes known as a master in Germany.


– Jason is looking for a recommendation on circular saws.
– Mike wants to teach some friends and family in his shop and he’s wondering if he can protect himself with a waiver, or if he needs full-blown insurance.


– Dustin is wondering how to make rails, stiles, and face frames without a tablesaw.
– Don’s Buck Bros. chisels aren’t holding up and he wants our recommendations.
– Nick is having trouble planing thin boards on his workbench.
– Erick is doing some bent laminations and wants to know if he can get away without using a drum sander to smooth the laminations.
– Milo wants our opinion on his potential shop options.
– Jeremy is looking for tips on making stopped dados with hand tools.
– Larry wants to apply Arm-R-Seal over stain and wants to know how long he should wait. Marc recommended his DVD.

Reviews and Thanks!

Thanks to Jason M. for his generous donation! Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store, just like these folks did: Zignot, Needs More Plants, thezenker, trevorgreen and Nowthen Woodman.

WT126 – 20 Questions

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Bell Forest Products!

On today’s show, we’re blasting through some emails with our 20 Question Quickfire Challenge! Topics range from grain direction to wood selection to dust collection to tool-buying circumspection!

20 Email Questions

I have a thickness planner, and a shaper that I use to joint edges. Is it worth investing in a jointer to clean up the faces of the boards as well? — Chris

I know pistol style clamps don’t have the most clamping pressure so I mainly use them as a “third hand” but I wondered if you guys had some opinions on which ones were better or worse than others or are they all pretty much the same? — Jeffrey

I’m starting on a dinner table to give as a gift. I’ve read a lot of online articles saying to swap grain pattern on the end grain of the top but I’ve read equal articles saying it doesn’t matter. Which is going to give me the best results? I’m using brazilian cherry (thanks Shannon) for the top and curly maple base. Will pocket screws be sufficient around the aprons or will using cleats be my best bet? What type of finish is best for a dining table as far as giving it a good moisture barrier, food safe and of course a nice shine? — Larry

You guys ever use a dado insert with a hump to get a dead flat dado? — Bob

How would you advise a married homeowner late 20’s with spouse and child and modest income in his next purchasing decisions and the path to follow? He has an attached garage with small homeowner type shop. Worktable (2x4s and plywood), normal complement of tools for home repair. Power tools are 7.25″ circular saw, power drills, and palm sander. He is considering purchasing a power 10″ compound miter saw for some molding he is going to put up in a bedroom makeover. He has also been researching woodworking on the internet and is very interested in building some modest furniture for his home and perhaps to pursue as a hobby. — Frank

What type or brand of blade should he purchase to get the longest life in a production situation? Is it normal to go through a sharpening every couple of weeks or is there a better solution? — Russ

The last time I bought blades for Miter & Table saw, I stepped up to Freud blades which were about $40 at the home center. I have noticed the miter saw struggling and burning more as of late and was wondering: at this price range is resharpening an option or is it time to buy a new one? If so, is it worth stepping up to a better quality blade that can have a longer life? — Andreas

Freud Authorized Sharpening Centers
Blade and Bit Cleaning Kit
Pitch and Resin Remover

I am currently designing a french-ish night stand with cabriole legs and a single drawer for my dorm next year. I would like to keep some sensitive things in that drawer, so I want to add a lock. Because it’s me and I can’t do anything the simple key-lock way, I’d like to have some sort of puzzle box thing to keep unwanted hands out. Do y’all have any ideas? —-David

I have some 100 year old rough cherry that was the interior siding of a family home. It’s now starting to cup and warp. These are 1″x10″x10′ boards. Should I plane them first, or should I cut to length for project first (bed headboard) or should I rip them and re-joint them. Which order is best or is it a crap shoot? —Rich

I did a project a year ago with some cedar 6 x 6 beams in my living room. I sealed all the ends with several coats of tung oil. How long do you think I should wait before they are done moving and dried out before touching them up? — Jim

I was dreaming of projects and one of them was making handle scales for a fixed blade knife. I picked up two pieces of bocote, both of which are drop dead gorgeous. What do I need to do to make sure they don’t swell or shrink that much? Also, any suggestions for a finish that can stand up to this punishing use? I have some spar varnish that I use for making walking sticks so I am very comfortable with that, but I am not sure it would work. —- Tony

Tru-Oil Gun Stock Finish

How do you come up with a price for a project? —-Lawrence

Pricing Your Work – The Wood Whisperer

I’ve heard that brown paper bags work well to gently abrade a shiny finish. Any thoughts? — Miles

My dust collector is a roll-around, 2HP machine with dual 4″ ports. When connected to the a machine with a 4″ port it performs reasonably well, sucks dust, and swirls things around in the bottom bag as I expect it should. When I connect it to the mitre saw, however–leaving the second 4″ port sealed like I normally would for the other machines, the swirling actions stops. To avoid burning out the motor or ruining things, I usually leave the cap sealing the second port slightly ajar to let in a bit of extra air and keep the dust spinning going. So my questions are as follows:
1. Do I risk ruining my dust collector if the swirling cyclone isn’t spinning?
2. How do you guys connect a smaller machine to your main DC? I know a few of you have shop vacs as well, which I don’t.
—- Michael

Hi guys, Just wondering what, if any, conferences you plan on going to this year. WIA, fine woodworking live, Weekend with WOOD? —- Bart

When is it appropriate to use a sanding sealer? Or is this just a product that manufactures put out to make more money? I typically seal with a coat of shellac before building my finish, is this sufficient or do I need to do more? — Chris

I’m building a workbench which includes a leg vise. I have some 12/4 kiln-dried, flat-sawn ash I plan on using for the chop. Do you have any recommendations on how I should orient the grain in relation to the bench? While the remainder of the lumber I’ve used has been incredibly stable I’m worried about possible cupping. As my workbench nears completion, I’m trying to figure out how to drill 3/4″ holes in my bench top. My plunge router seems like a possible solution, but I’m kind of new to routers. I was thinking I could start the hole with the router and then finish it will an auger bit in my drill. Can I safely plunge cut my 3/4″ holes? Any other recommendations suggestions on how to approach this? — John

Powerbore Bit Set
Workbench Dog Holes – Popular Woodworking

I just went to my first Woodworking show in Fort Worth, and went for two days, getting to absorb as much knowledge as I could (and buy some cool new accessories for the shop). Back in 2007 Marc was very disappointed in The Woodworking Shows saying it was not worth the money. Just curious how you think their shows compare now? Are there any specific shows that ARE worth the time and effort to go to? — Mark

I am working on a book shelf that uses plywood and solid lumber. They are going to look foolish next to each other unless I can get a better color match. I was hoping to keep the finish simple with some BLO and a top coat of poly or varnish. I tried out some BLO on the plywood and it took on a nice color and matched the untreated lumber closely. However once I put the oil on the lumber I’m back to square one. Next I tried a couple of the lighter stains I have and that’s a no go. The color match wasn’t great, but more importantly, I just don’t like the way stain unevenly colors the different parts of the grain of oak. Going back to the BLO, I figured that two coats on the plywood should match one coat on the lumber but the second coat of oil sure didn’t color the plywood twice as much. Are there any tricks or advice to applying two coats of BLO? Should I really flood the wood with just one coat and let it sit for a bit before wiping off excess to get more color? — Josh

I was just wondering what your opinions are regarding what skills you need to posses to graduate from a beginner to intermediate, advanced, master woodworker. — Mike

Reviews and Thanks!

Thanks to Paul F. and David D. for their generous donations! Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store! Special thanks to Wood Wizard, Jamie, Capt. Queeg and Xanos.

WT125 – Matt Yelled At Me!

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Bell Forest Products!

On today’s show, we’re talking about getting back into woodworking, drying lumber, and shipping finished projects.

What’s on the Bench

Shannon’s wrapping up stuff and planning new projects. Matt’s installing a new zero clearance throat plate for the whole world to see. Marc finally took ownership of WoodWhisperer.com.

Around the Web

The Woodwright Shop – Screw Cuttin’ Lathe
Amazing wooden watches!
– Check out Festool’s “Festool Connect” even live!

Poll of the Week

Do You Pre-Finish?


– Ray is getting back into woodworking and has some apprehension.
– No Name Mcgillacutty has some Schwarzian advice concerning purchasing pine.
– Ernesto, Med Tech Woodworker wants to know the best way to dry lumber cut from a tree in his front yard. Matt recommended this video from Fine Woodworking.
– Mr. Green is balking at the price he’s been quoted for shipping a trestle table to his mother-in-law.


shuffleboardCheck out Sandhill Bill’s shuffleboard table!

Reviews and Thanks!

Thanks to Mark H, Ben K, and Jack W for their generous donations! Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

WT124 – That’ll Be A Buck Fifty!

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Bell Forest Products!

On today’s show, we’re talking about finishing Ebony, finish options for game pieces, shop space for a first house, joinery for a plywood tool cabinet, dry lube on a table saw, using metal pipe as dowel stock, and chair joints with no metal fasteners.

Around the Web

Master ship-builder makes wooden bicycles!
The Illustrated Guide to American Hardwood Lumber Grades
A water-powered wood shop!


– Person with no name wants to know what finish we recommend for Gabon Ebony.
– Roberto’s MIL wants an oversized Jenga game and he is contemplating his finish choices.


– Lawrance suggested Custom Service Hardware and a reasonably-priced source for cabinet harware, in response to our discussion last episode.
– Ryan wants our thoughts and suggestions on an affordable shop space.
– Andy is working on a tool cabinet and wants some advice on the joinery.
– Everett wants to know if it’s ok to use dry lube on his table saw surface.
– Rob is wondering if using black iron pipe as “dowel stock” is overkill.
– Scott is trying to avoid metal fasteners in his upcoming adirondack chair build, and has some questions about joinery.

Reviews and Thanks!

Thanks to Tom B for his generous donation! Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And thanks to TitaniumSyndicate, cyberbiker2, Ms0099rg, and DonVJGR for awesome iTunes reviews! Want to have your review read on the show? Leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

WT123 – Colonial Turkey Legs

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and Bell Forest Products!

On today’s show, we’re talking about fixing a bent handsaw, deciding what scrap to keep, working with pine, and should woodworking be sexy?

Around the Web

Making a Jarvi Bench
Software for making template from photos
Sending 15,000 volts through plywood
Greta De Parry does woodworking, the sexy way.

Poll of the Week

Are you a wood hoarder?
31% – I could build a project or two with what I have on hand.
29% – I buy as I go. I have nothing but scraps.
18% – I can go for a long time without a visit to the hardwood dealer.
17% – Just some choice boards for special projects.
4% – I can embarrass most saw mills.


Darth Rust wants advice on how to fix his bent Bad Axe saw. Mark Harrell of Bad Axe Toolworks replied:

What has happened is that when the user torqued the plate, rather than kink in a static scenario, it shifted out of tension where the folded sawback clamps along the spine. Here’s the procedure on how to retension the saw plate. Conceptually, what you’re going to do is LIGHTLY tap the toe end of the back, followed by another light tap on the heel end of the back with a dead-blow mallet. Follow this procedure:

– Hold the saw upright on a jointed flat surface (a jointed board that won’t rock on your workbench).
– With your left hand, tightly pinch the bottom edge of the back where the plate meets it about 3” behind the toe (forward) end of the saw. You want to feel both the bottom edge of the back and the plate with your thumb and forefinger, so you can feel the assembly move when you tap it.
– Using a dead-blow mallet, LIGHTLY tap the toe ahead of your hand. You should feel the back shift minutely where it meets the sawplate (hence, the reason you’re pinching it with thumb and forefinger).
– Reverse the saw and pinch the sawback where it meets the plate about 3” ahead of the handle.
– Lightly tap the heel end of the back. Again, you should feel the back/plate assembly very slightly shift where you’re pinching.
– Upend the saw, and site down the toothline; determine whether the S-curve you’re describing still exists. If not, then you’ve just equalized the tension of the back/plate assembly.
– If much of the S-curve has straightened out, but now you have a slight wiggle toward the heel end of the toothline, then that means you probably tapped the heel too hard; what has happened is that the back has torque pressure in the area where the fasteners bind the handle to the plate, and that pressure can be relived with one final, very light tap on the toe end—again, with just enough force to feel the back/plate assembly shift ever so slightly.

What I’ve just described here is how folded backs offer an advantage over backs that have had a slot milled in a brass bar and epoxied in. It’s 400-year-old technology that’s been around that long for the express reason of being able to readjust the tension of the back/plate assembly whenever a saw has been dropped or kinked. This is why one finds so many saws on eBay with a bow in the plate, usually accompanied with a chipped horn. Though the back clamps quite tightly onto the plate as a mechanical attachment, it is intended to slip as a dynamic advantage that allows one to easily straighten out kinks or bows as they develop over time through accidents or abuse.

Mark D. Harrell

Check out the blade before and after adjustment. Success!

bent-blade-after bent-blade-before

Reviews and Thanks!

Thanks to Kenny C., Charles, C., Robert S. and Allan G. for the generous donations. Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And thanks to One-Wheel, Ghetto Abbey Workshop, and ElmiraGrizzly for their 5 start iTunes reviews! Want to have your review read on the show? Leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

WT122 – Ana White’s Nickers

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and MicroJig!

On today’s show, we’re talking about tiny router bit screws, the effect of sites like Pinterest, wet-sanding shellac, mortising into the end of a dowel, dado blade recommendations, the purpose of the nicker, CNC in the small shop, ways to encourage finish to dry faster.

Around the Web

Inside an Amish Trade Show
This dude builds his own bicycle frames!
Benchcrafted’s French Oak Roubo Project – Sign up for the 5-day bench-building event for $4500.

Poll of the Week

Do you use pigmented wood stain?


Roberto is looking for some of those tiny router bit screws that hold the bearings in place. Marc recommends this Whiteside Bearing Repair Kit

Bob wants to know our thoughts on sites like Pinterest that encourage people to make their own furniture using potentially inferior materials. Does this help or hurt woodworking. Marc referenced Ana White’s website.

Cliff has a two-parter. First he wants to know if you can wet-sand shellac. Second, he is looking for advice on how to make a square mortise in the end of a dowel for knife handles.


Robert is looking for a dado blade recommendation. Marc recommends the 6″ Dadonator Jr.

John wants to know what that “nicker” is on his new rabbeting block plane.

Lawrence is curious to hear our thoughts on using small CNCs in wood shops. Matt mentioned 100k Garages as a resource for folks who needed help with CNC.

Kurt wants to know if there are ways to encourage a finish to dry faster.

Reviews and Thanks!

Thanks to Eddie Barnes for the generous donation. Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And thanks to jointer46, carter904, redstickslim, jcaithers, and Tommy from Texas for their 5 start iTunes reviews! Want to have your review read on the show? Leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

WT121 – Get A Handle On It!

On today’s show, we’re talking about saw handle angles, traveling for wood, using a Stanley #6 as a jointer plane, the Hock Block Plane Kit, and an HVLP-applied finish for a crib.

Around the Web

Make a spiral wooden leg!
Check out this massive 3000 lb 35″ bandsaw!
A great tutorial on how to use the Follow Me tool in SketchUp
Amazing animal wood sculptures!
Hendrik Varju’s new Passion for Food program

Poll of the Week

How far have you traveled for wood?


Bob in San Diego wants to know if there are handles available at different angles for Western style saws.


Brian wants to know if a #6 bench plane can be used as a jointer plane.

So and So wants to know if the Hock Block Plane Kit is a good plane for a new woodworker.

Michael wants to know what kind of finish we recommend for finishing a mahogany crib via HVLP.

Reviews and Thanks!

Thanks to Stephen Brassard, John Ballance, Henrik Nilsson, Lori McClaury for their generous donations. Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column!

And thanks to Engine267, Peter Boyes, C Deas, Katsam121, Billy Medlock, and Tresguey for their 5 start iTunes reviews! Want to have your review read on the show? Leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

WT120 – We’ve Got Mail

On today’s show, we’re celebrating Get Woodworking Week by doing an all email episode!

Around the Web

Investigating the age of furniture by analyzing wood rings.
David Marks’ Blog
Japanese planing competition.
Amazing wood watches!


– Pug is looking for some advice on molding plane makes and manufacturers.
– Larry is battling rust in his pole barn shop.
Marc recommends he refer to the following links: Rust Prevention for Woodworkers, Rust Prevention, and The Best Rust Preventers (Paid article)
– Akos is looking for advice on staining thin veneer sheets.
– Chris is considering his grinding options for repairing blunt and damaged blades.
– Darryl has a Delta TP305 planer and wants to adjust it for a perfect cut, but doesn’t know how.
– Will is looking for advice on a saw purchase as well as a smoothing plane purchase.
– Walter wants our thoughts on sanding plywood.
– Jack is thinking about trying the frequency-based Thein tensioning system for tensioning his bandsaw.

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column to help out today!

WT119 – What Glen Huey Always Says

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Festool and MicroJig!

On today’s show, we’re talking about cherry for a desktop, the ruler trick, stationary sander options, cabinet scrapers vs scraper planes, finishing suggestions for cherry, getting a grippy finish on a fish net, is a ClearVue Cyclone a good idea in a small shop, and special guest J. Leeko is here to tell us more about his Kickstarter campaign that we so elegantly took a crap on last week.

Around the Web

An automated chain saw making multiple chairs from a single log!
Amazing cityscapes made with scrap wood on a bandsaw.
Brian Grabsky’s Hidden Drawer Video


– Paul wants to know if we think cherry is durable enough for a desk top.
– Jim wants our opinion on David Charlesworth’s “ruler trick.”
– Nate wants our thoughts on vertical/horizontal belt sanders vs disc sanders as well as scraper planes vs cabinet scrapers.
– Greg is looking for the perfect finish for his Weekend Wall Shelf. Shannon recommended Masterpiece Wood Finish.
– Jeff is looking to make his finish a little more grippy, because he’s working on a fishing net.
– Michael has a fairly small shop and wants to know if a ClearVue Cyclone is the right choice.

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column to sign up today!

WT118 – KickStompers

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Arbortech and MicroJig!

On today’s show, we’re talking about breaking down plywood, Shapton glass stones, adapting Festool hoses, some hand plane talk, and Kickstarter campaigns.

Whats on the Bench?

Shannon is trying to figure out what to do with his scrap wood hodgepodge chair. Matt is trying more cold weather woodworking and is dealing with a bunch of Craigslist scammers. Marc delivered the Dogon Platform Bed to the client and has been spending all of his time writing his new book.

Around the Web

Check out these moldable sanding pads!
Sign up for Gary Rogowski’s lecture series at Makeville Studio in Brooklyn, NY.
Support John Leko as he tries to create a mechanical masterpiece with the help of a Kickstarter campaign.
Check out Wood Magazine’s new event Weekend With WOOD!
The iconic woodworking shop posted at Benchcrafted.

Pole of the Week

Do You Like Red Oak?


Michael wants to know how we prefer to break down large plywood sheets.


Steve asks our thoughts on Shapton Glass Stones as well as whether we think it’s necessary to purchase their $300 lapping plate for flattening the stones.

David wrote in to pass on some advice for adapting Festool tools to non-Festool hoses. Here’s an excerpt from McFeely’s website: To attach your Festool to another brand dust extractor, simply purchase a Festool hose (item 452877), which has a standard 2 1/4″ sleeve. Keep in mind that the connection between the tool and the hose is more critical than the connection between the hose and the dust extractor. You want to have a snug fit on the tool side to make sure the hose doesn’t come off when you are working with the tool.

Ben wanted to get our thoughts on the usefulness of a rabbeting block plane and whether he should buy a smoothing plane or a jack plane as he begins to get his feet wet in hand tools.

iTunes Reviews

Thanks to Amythysttrue for the awesome 5-star reviews. Want to have your review read on the show? Leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column to sign up today!

WT117 – Here Kitty Kitty!

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Arbortech and MicroJig!

On today’s show, we’re talking about problems with cat poop, picking the right joint for the job, and some listener feedback on jointer blade sharpening and buying used bandsaws.

Whats on the Bench?

Shannon is starting a new drop-leaf table project and just finished up his creepy church project. Matt is finally using his lathe and made something round that was previously square! Marc recommends he try Easy Wood Tools. Marc is spending time with a wig, lingerie, and some lipstick. He also finished the platform bed and plans on delivering it this Friday.

Around the Web

Ron Swanson and his wooden hair and beard! Thanks for the link Jim.


Pole of the Week

Is Woodworking Your Only Hobby?


Jonathan wants to know what we do to get dust off our projects before finishing.

Wilbur called in to give Alex from Episode #115 some advice on buying used bandsaws.


Philip wrote in to tell us about a cool jig to help with sharpening jointer knives.

Kenny wants to know how we determine what type of joinery to use when designing a piece of furniture.

Matt recommends Classic Joints with Power Tools by Yeung Chan. Marc recommends Complete Illustrated Guide to Joinery by Gary Rogowski. Shannon recommends American Period Furniture by Jeffrey Greene.

iTunes Reviews

Thanks to DentistDanny, Zebtora, JoJoBee57, and dczward for the awesome 5-star reviews. Want to have your review read on the show? Leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Head to the forum and use the links in the right column.

WT116 – The One with the Flu

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Arbortech and MicroJig!

On today’s show, we’re talking about hand saw sharpening, jointer/planer combination machines, milling procedures, and jointer knives.

What’s on the bench?

Matt is super excited about his freshly-sharpened saws from Bob Rozaieski’s sharpening service. Marc is just thankful to be alive after two days of stomach flu madness.

Around the Web

An amazing piece of over-engineered furniture!
Don’t miss the Desert Woodturning Roundup Feb. 22-24!

Poll of the Week

Did you make any woodworking resolutions?


Chris wants to know if he should tune up his new Lie-Nielsen saw.
Blake wants to know if the jointer/planer combination machines are any good.
Mike wants to know if we let our wood acclimate before milling and if we mill in stages. Marc recommends he check out this video from Rob Bois.
No Name asked for our thoughts on carbide vs high speed steel jointer knives as well as our thoughts on sharpening jointer knives. Marc recommended this video from Fine Woodworking.

WT115 – Pee On Your Projects

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Arbortech and MicroJig!

On today’s show, we’re talking about trouble with honing guides, troubleshooting a water-based finishing problem, and wood shop attire.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon is doing a creepy install in a creepy church and also finished up a quick serving tray thing. Matt had a visit from Andy Chidwick as part of his Sawdust Tour 2013. Marc tried using white vinegar to clean up epoxy with great success. He also had some issues gluing up a very long bevel.

Around the Web

Motorized Wooden Marionettes. Thanks for the link Joel.
The Portable, Full-Size, Safari-Ready Roubo
Sindelar is Culling His Tool Collection at Auction


Alex is looking to purchase a bandsaw and a jointer and needs some advice.


Jason wants to know how to get a Robert Larson honing guide to work with tapered chisels. Shannon recommends he watch this Lie-Nielsen video. Marc highly recommends the Veritas MKII.

Matt wants to know how to fix his streaky water-based finish.

Daniel wants our recommendations on shop attire.

iTunes Reviews

Special thanks to woodmang3, steelers510, nate331, Derek from GA, Keemum, and RJsumthn! Want to have your review read on the show? Leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

WT114 – The Self-Indulgent Build

On today’s show, we’re looking at the year ahead! We discuss our goals and aspirations for 2013. Shannon hopes to do more self-indulgent builds. Matt wants to build more things for his own home, including a bed for his son. He also wants to delve into some outdoor projects. Marc is hoping to hire a full-time employee. YIKES!


Cliff wants to know what we do when family comes over and wants something that we made.

WT113 – Chuck Norris Ruins The Poll

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Bad Axe Tool Works and Benchcrafted!

On today’s show, we’re looking at the year in review. We’ll also discuss the wide world of hand planes, wood movement after milling, digital vs print magazines, the Domino vs the Multi-Router, and oil finishes causing blotching in cherry.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon’s doing pretty much the same thing as last week. So is Matt. And guess what? So is Marc. Although Marc did mention he is having a virtual Holiday Party on the live page on Dec. 13th at 9pm Eastern.

Year in Review

Shannon exceeded his goal of taking a 5-day class by taking a 7-day class. Overachiever! Matt made good on his promise to himself that he would reorganize his shop space and he’s really enjoying the new layout. Marc achieved his goal of doing more client work and more projects that are “personally satisfying.” But Marc and Shannon’s plan to do a joint sculpted rocker project didn’t quite pan out.

The mention of the sculpted rocker sends the guys into a discussion about intellectual property and the ethics involved in making pieces heavily inspired by others.

Around the Web

Gary Rogowski shows you how to level legs at the tablesaw.
Chris Schwarz sets the record straight after a flub in a recent Fine Woodworking article.
Cool commercial showing amazing wooden musical instrument.
Wooden Turntables
Turn in to Woodworking for Mere Mortals on Friday for a special holiday treat!

Poll of the Week

How Do You Cushion Your Feet in the Shop?


Ben wants to know whether he should buy the Domino XL or the Multi-Router. Marc recommends the Domino for the sake of portability and being able to take the tool to the wood. The Multi-Router is an amazing tool but is really a stationary tool, and is better suited for studio furniture.

Chris wants to know how to clean up epoxy squeezeout. Shannon usually scrapes it away. Marc typically uses acetone but recently heard that vinegar works fairly well.

Morgan sent in some feedback about last week’s tool purchasing discussion.


Nathan is confused by all the different options in planes. He wants to know what the various planes do. He also wants to know if we have any recommendations for building planes.

Shannon gives a quick rundown of the various planes on the market. Marc recommends Nathan check out Schwarz’s Coarse, Medium, Fine. Matt recommends Patrick’s Blood and Gore and the Hand Plane Book by Garret Hack.

Eric asked for advice on wood movement after milling. He’s perplexed because he follows all the typical rules. Marc recommends he start investigating deeper to determine if the source of the issue is the tool calibration, the user, or the wood itself.

With more and more Woodworking Magazine companies going to Apps and/or DVD releases, do you guys prefer the DVD’s or actual magazines? Do you think they will stop making the physical magazines any time soon? —– Tom Gentry

I’m making a jewlery box for xmas and it’s all solid cherry. I want to use Semi-Gloss Arm-R-Seal but after listening to WTO episode 72 you mentioned that an oil finish can cause blotchiness. Should i seal with shellac first or did i hear wrong? —– Greg DiMarzio

iTunes Reviews

Special thanks to Nathan in CBus and Disgruntled YouTuber for their awesome reviews! Want to have your review read on the show? Leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

WT112 – What Tool Should I Buy?

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Bad Axe Tool Works and Benchcrafted!

On today’s show, we’re talking about the trouble with buying tools, using scraper planes, and laminating solid wood for stability.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon’s building a vise and doing even more carving. He’s also spending a lot of time at the McMasterCarr website. Matt thought he would try something new when cutting half blind dovetails and totally regrets it! Marc finished up the footboard of the new platform bed and then spent the week doing screen caps for a upcoming SketchUp tutorial. Marc recommends Bob Lang’s Woodworker’s Guide to SketchUp

Around the Web

Video of Mahogany lumber being harvest in Belize. Sent in by Tom Buhl.
“Love Letter to Plywood” video by Tom Sachs Oddly enough, this video does contain some nudity.
Minwax “Do Good with Wood” Award
Scott Meek to offer an online planemaking class via G+ Hangout.
Holiday Giveaway at RavinHeart Renditions Podcast.

Poll of the Week

Workshop Footwear


Stewart called in to ask a question about Veritas vises. Demented Woodworker called in to tell us his wife thinks we suck.


I recently acquired a couple of Stanley number 80 scraper planes, And I was wondering what suggestions you guys could give me regarding use and set up. I did not know when sharpening if I need to have a secondary bevel angle on it, Or if I only need the primary angle. Also any tips and Tricks you guys may have regarding it’s use And what tasks you like to use it for specifically. —– Aaron Cashion

My question is about wood for an entry door. I am thinking of using kiln dried Douglas fir (the door will be painted). What are your thoughts about using solid stock vs. laminating two pieces together to get the required thickness for the stiles and rails? Advocates of the lamination technique say it makes the door more stable by allowing the grain to be aligned to counter movement. Some even say to rip one full thickness piece of wood in half, flip it and glue it to enhance the stabilizing effect. Do you have any other suggestions for an economical, but appropriate wood choice for someone living in Southern California? —– Tom Collins

I am starting to see the limitations on my little saw. I would like to move up to something to do better weekend work with. Should I go with a more powerful, fixed stand contractor’s saw and build it up/modify it for dust collection and such; should I go with a hybrid saw; or is there an entry level cabinet saw that won’t break the bank?

I was considering the Grizzly hybrid saw until I found out that the insert plate was 1/8″ stamped steel like my craftsman, negating the ability to make zero clearance inserts. I have also been scanning craigslist for used saws. Any ideas? I was willing to plunk down the $725 (on sale) plus $100 shipping for the Grizzly so I am at around a$1,000 budget on the high end. —– Keith

The guys then go into a discussion on the diffulties involved in giving tool-buying advice. Matt recommends folks check out ToolSelect.com. Marc mentions an article he wrote a while back called, Common Questions Only You Can Answer.

iTunes Reviews

Special thanks to Tom Buhl, Dddtttsss, and RDR_82 for their awesome reviews! Want to have your review read on the show? Leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store!

WT111 – Statistical Rant

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Bad Axe Tool Works and Benchcrafted!

On today’s show, we’re talking about hide glue and glueups.

What’s on the Bench?

Shannon has been doing lots of carving lately. Matt just finished up a child’s table base and took his Festool Sander for a spin in the process. Marc is working on the big platform bed’s footboard and is ecstatic to give his shop a workout. He feels like a “real” woodworker again!

Around the Web

Old 18th Century Wood Shop discovered!
More pictures on Peter Follansbee’s website.

– Matthias Wandel addresses the question, “Can you squeeze all of the glue out of a joint?” by doing a joint strength test. This sets Marc off on a mini-rant about joint tests and statistical flaws.

David Roentgen Exhibit

Poll of the Week

Are you building stuff for the holidays?


I’ve been curious about the use of hide glue. Have any of you used it and if so, pros and cons? I build guitars and I know many companies use it for the fretboard glue up. I just haven’t explored that option yet. —- Dustin Whitcomb

I have never used hide glue but I’m starting to become more and more interested in its use. I know Titebond makes a ready to use version of hide glue which certainly offers convenience over the traditional variety, but Im wondering how the product differs (if at all) in terms of its function. Have any of you ever used traditional hide glue, the Titebond version, or both? I am curious to know your thoughts on hide glue in general. —— Scott

Marc recommends checking out a recent post in the forum titled No Love for HHG?

What y’all’s stance on polyurethane glue vs PVA glue like titebond. Is poly stronger? —– Paul Jordan

If you guys didn’t have the luxury of doing finishing and gluing up in a heated space how and what would you do to get through the winter months. I personally have 3 locations for my woodworking. 1. Saw dust in the garage, 2. Gluing up, sneaking things into my job’s warehouse or using my bedroom, 3. Spare bedroom for finishing. —– Richard Kresge

I’m new to wood working and would like to hear some thoughts on glue squeeze out cleanup. It is better to wipe it up early? Let it dry then chip it off? What about using sawdust and rubbing it in? Love the show, keep it up! —– Josh Doolin

iTunes Reviews

Special thanks to Thomas Porter and Barry65 for their 5-star iTunes reviews!

WT110 – Favorite Pie!

Special thanks to our show sponsors: Bad Axe Tool Works and Benchcrafted!

On today’s show, we’re talking about granite vs steel, choosing the right gloves for finishing, wood handled tools in dry climates, fixing a blunt plane iron, bevel angles for chisels and plane blades, and transitioning from hobbyist to pro.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon is searching for a new camera and may fall behind on filming. Matt has some nice new saws just waiting to be stolen! Marc is laying out parts for the big bed project. He’s also playing with some new Graco Airless Sprayers and Cabinotch Cabinets.

Around the Web

Brian Grabski – Awesome video that makes woodworking look cool!
Powermatic’s Black Friday Sale 15% Off Machines and 20% Off Accessories.
Peachtree Woodworking 50-70% off black friday sale.
Bell Forest Products will have 25% off on Friday only. You have to visit the site on Friday to get a special code for use at checkout. Website orders and handpicked boards only.


A caller wants to know what the primary differences are between granite and steel for tool surfaces. Matt boils it down to two things: babies and beverages.


Billy from Billy’s Little Bench wants to know what our favorite pie is?

I’m doing some finishing with an oil based varnish. I’d rather not get oily goo all over my hands, so I use gloves. Latex or Nitrile gloves, I don’t know which. Well, they start out all stretchy but after awhile (10 min) the fingertips get hard and then the finish soaks into the glove. What kind of gloves should I be using? woop, woop…. Woodtalk Style —– Bill Levering

The Rocky mountains are a great place to live, but the climate is very dry, and for the most part it doesn’t present a problem. As we all know, the dry can cause some severe shrinkage in wood. Which is fine if you allow it. What I’m concerned about is how the shrinkage will affect wood handled tools, like chisels and planes. I’d like to get a nice set of socket chisels, but I’m afraid the handles will never seat well once they’ve adjusted to the local humidity? Thanks for the help. —- Blake Keller

Matt recommends Blake take a look at the hairspray trick published at Popular Woodworking. Marc recommends he use AquaNet specifically.

The blade edge on my #5 Stanley Baily Jack plane was in horrible condition, so I laid the blade flat and used my sanding station to square the blade. This left the blade blunted on the end and I cannot get it back to a razor sharp edge. Im using water stones and a jig set at 30 degrees but am not getting good results.

My next question is are all planes supposed to be sharpened to 30 degrees? I have a cheap stanley low angle block plane but i can’t find a definitive answer on what angle it should be sharpened at. I keep seeing 25-30 degrees everywhere but i dont know which is best. —– Larry Locke (Lamar Bailey also asked about 30 degree bevels on chisels and whether it increases longevity)

I am after some advice regarding a business start up. I am a keen hobbyist and I am always being approached to build/turn items for people but i have some concerns about making it my living. How do I still generate an income between commissions and as my shop is at the bottom of the garden how do you separate work from home? Cheers for your help. —— Taff

iTunes Reviews

Special thanks to the folks who left us 5-star itunes reviews: No name road and DTChristensen
Want your review read on the show? Leave us an iTunes review!

Call for Clips

Have a tip or trick you’d like to share? Want to do a regular segment on the show? Send us your content and we’ll play it at the end of the show. Email your audio files to woodtalkonline at gmail.com

WT109 – Shannon Ruins the Poll

Special thanks to our show sponsor MicroJig! Take a moment to sign up for MicroJig’s newsletter at MicroJig.com/newsletter.

On today’s show, we’re talking about bandsaw tuneup, shop music, tools we would choose if starting over, sharpening, laminated countertops, and organizing tasks during a complicated project.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon didn’t enjoy the process of tuning up his DeWalt planer. He referenced an article from Marc’s site called The Many Hats of a Woodworker. He also replaced a chisel handle and had a bit of a disaster during one of his live sessions. Oops! Matt decided to re-route his dust collection tubing and had a major performance boost! Marc is still working on the Dogon Bed design and had to find an alternative to the customer’s requested African Blackwood raised panel. Looks like it’s going to be the Winter of Wenge!

Around the Web

Wagner Moisture meter smart phone app WOOD H2O.
The Wood Shop Widget

Poll of the Week

How do you learn Woodworking?


Michael wants to know what we use to listen to music in the shop, and what we like to listen to.

Steve wants to know if we have some advice and resources for Bandsaw tuneup. Marc recommended a video on his site Bandsaw Setup/Tuneup, as well as two videos from Michael Fortune: How to Resaw and How to Set Up a Bandsaw.
Shannon offers some advice from his recent bandsaw setup experience as well.


Kenny (TheWoodNinja) asks, “I have a question for all three of you guys. Because of the varying degree of your woodworking styles, I’d like to know if you had to start over today with your current knowledge, what would be the first three plane purchases be. Thanks in advance for your help and thanks for going weekly. Keep up the great job!”

Marc recommended folks check out a similar thread in the forum that focuses a bit more on power tools.

David Young asks, “I would be interested in hearing your opinions on the approaches (and merits) to constructing laminated tops for kitchen counters and island tops. For instance, is there a preferred grain for the primary surface of the counter top (flatsawn vs. quartersawn) when laminating — assuming that you will never be using knives directly against the surface. Can the top be thinner / thicker than the traditional 1.5″ thickness of a standard countertop…what advantages / disadvantages would these bring?”

Jamie asks, “Should a beginning hand tool sharpener step up and buy a good quality sharpening system right away? Or is there even a price difference or learning curve with sharpening stones? It appears Shapton has had good reviews, which one though. Ceramic on glass or traditional stones? Or is it all personal preference and I just need to find one that will work for me?”

Eric asks, “Hi Marc, Matt & Shannon. I was wondering if you guys could briefly discuss tips on how you break up work segments when you have limited amounts of time for shop sessions on more complex projects. Do you set specific objectives and strive to complete a certain process for that day so as to start a new task the next time, or do you just go as far as you can with the time you have and pick up where you left off in the next session?”

Shannon recommended Eric check out a post from his site called Project Taking Longer Than Expected?.

iTunes Reviews

Special thanks to all of the folks who left us 5-star reviews in iTunes: Imdanuts, Listened Once, and bmchan. Want to leave us a review in iTunes? You can do so here: Wood Talk in the iTunes Store.

WT108 – Matt Vs Matt

Special thanks to our show sponsor MicroJig! Take a moment to sign up for MicroJig’s newsletter at MicroJig.com/newsletter.

On today’s show, special guest Scott Meek is here to tell us about his vendor experience at Woodworking in America. We’ll also discuss cold weather woodworking and we have a very special event for you: the Matt2007 vs Matt2012 SawStop debate. That’s right folks, Matt is going to go back in time and debate himself on the merits of the SawStop tablesaw.

What’s on the Bench?

Matt is enjoying his time working with his hand planes, except for that excruciating pain in his foot. Marc recommended Jeff Miller’s new book Foundations of Good Woodworking. Shannon is using his new spring pole lathe to turn Christmas gifts! And Marc just spent $1500 on bubinga! He’s also running a bunch of auctions to benefit Livestrong and Woodworkers Fighting Cancer! Scott is fresh off his trip to Woodworking in America and is still recuperating. His love for making hand planes started after reading Making and Mastering Wood Planes by David Finck.

The Matt2007 vs Matt2012 Debate

This debate was inspired by a question from Aaron Poindexter who wrote, “How did Matt get coned in to allowing the Sawstop Into his basement? Because all he needs is” Fingers and thumbs don’t be dumb” lol…” Aaron was just having fun, but we thought we should give Matt an opportunity to explain why he now owns a SawStop and how his opinions have changed over the years.


Skee wrote in and asked for our thoughts on cold weather woodworking. Scott and Shannon recommend using hand tools to bring up your body temperature. Matt did a few glue tests and describes his results.

iTunes Reviews

Special thanks to all of our 5 Star reviewers: tdhillman, NoStupidName, AWC454, Tr@ppkeys, Kenny Comeaux, and David Piccuito.

WT107 – Tool Chest or Not Tool Chest

Special thanks to our show sponsor MicroJig! Take a moment to sign up for MicroJig’s newsletter at MicroJig.com/newsletter.

On today’s show, we’re taking a bunch of questions from our new Facebook page. Topics include the Festool Domino, Tool Chests vs Tool Cabinets, Drill Presses, Wood Storage, Urban Harvested Wood, Mallets, and of course we’ll have a couple of cool links from Around the Web.

What’s on the Bench?

Shannon has no power so he built a candle holder to, wait for it, hold candles.
Matt is starting on a set of bedside tables because college furniture is getting old, according to his wife Sam.
Marc has been getting the new shop up and running and is going to install a SHELIX Cutterhead in his jointer. Goodbye knife adjustments. Here’s the link to the disposable blades Marc mentioned: ESTA-USA Self-Set Knives

Around the Web

A Hybrid Woodworker’s Dream Bench? – Submitted by Steve Lyde
Bob Easton’s Treadle Lathe build
100K Garages – Connect with Fabricators!

Poll of the Week

How do you cross-cut? – Vote and check the latest results!


Mike From LA wants to know whether he should build the Anarchist’s Tool Chest or a wall-hanging tool cabinet. While Marc, Matt, and Shannon pretty much agreed that a wall-hanging tool cabinet would be the best bet, they highly recommend you read Chris Schwarz’s book, The Anarchist Tool Chest.


I would love to hear a discussion about Festool’s Domino Systems. I am an advanced woodworker that does woodworking as a hobby that often competes for time with my wife’s ideas of me spending time with the family. The Domino is not something I need, but it would be nice to have and it would certainly speed up projects. My conflict is that I think the Domino is “cheating” and not fine woodworking. It must be the radiuses loose tenons, because I do not see anything wrong with a hollow chisel mortiser. I know Shannon is against this kind of thing, but I would love to hear a discussion between you three on using a Domino for “fine” woodworking and whether or not it cheapens the piece even if only in our minds. Thanks again! – Tom Collins

How much drill press does a woodworker really need? – Shawn Robert McKee

Is it better to store wood vertically or horizontal? Does it really make a difference if the wood is properly supported? – Billy from Billy’s Little Bench

Can you discuss mallets: types, how use, make or buy, ‘sweetspot’ of different types, weights… a very overlooked tool used in all shops. – Shawn Graham

Urban harvested, air dried lumber. Is it worth the hassle and time? – Andy Brownell
Matt recommended UrbanWood.org

iTunes Reviews

Thanks for the 5-star review GauchoWoodworking (Bobby!)

Happy Halloween!

WT106 – Pole of the Week?

Special thanks to our show sponsor MicroJig! Take a moment to sign up for MicroJig’s newsletter at MicroJig.com/newsletter.


Wood Talk is now a weekly podcast! You’re welcome!
We also decided it was time to get our very own Wood Talk Facebook page!

What’s on the Bench?

– Shannon is making good on a promise and completing Christmas presents early. He is also diving head first into marquetry thanks to the influence of Paul Schurch!
– Matt finished up a shoe organizer that gets the job done, but thanks to a tricky glueup, he’s not quite as proud of it as he could be.
– Marc is finalizing a bed design for a client making extensive use of SketchUp to communicate effectively and eliminate problems before they happen. He is also finally organizing the new shop and doing a few shop projects.

Around the Web

Chris Schwarz Charity Auction for National Breast Cancer Foundation
Old Street Tools closes for new orders.
YankoDesign – Submitted by Jacob Deis who says, “I’m always looking for new design ideas so I will frequent this site.”
LEGO New Yankee Workshop – Submitted by Duane Hess.
– Birth of a Tool Part 1 and Part 2 – Submitted by Dan Sherman who says, “I found these awesome videos when they first came out, and then rediscovered them a week or so ago when i came across them again on fine woodworking.com I bet Shannon will love them.”

Poll of the Week

Working with an 8″ wide board, what is your preferred method for ripping off a 1″ strip? Personally, that sounds like a great use for the tablesaw! But I know there are lots of ways to get that job done. How would you do it? See the latest results!


Vic has a question about the flatness of his outfeed/assembly table.
Anonymous wants to know our opinion of Magswitch Featherboards.


Kevin asks,
“I’m at the point where a laminate router table on saw horses isn’t cutting it any longer so I’m planning on building a true base for it as my next project. I like the look of the infamous New Yankee deluxe router table with the Plexiglas center for the router compartment surround by small drawers on the sides and cabinets on the bottom. I’m definitely not married to it though. The only thing that I know for sure is that I want a built in power switch, possibly with a knee paddle, and that it will be on lockable casters. Besides that, can you guys offer any advice on things that you really like about your current router table setups or things that you would improve upon, either aesthetically or functionally (dust collection, size, mobility, accessories, etc.)? Matt, I assume that you have some nuggets here after recently upgrading yours.”

David Picciuto “The Drunken Woodworker” asks,
“Hey Marc, Matt and Shannon! I was wondering what is the safest way to store an oil varnish blend that I mix myself? I’ve found a combination of boiled linseed oil, satin whip-on poly and mineral spirits mixture that works well for me. Is it combustable? Should I only mix enough for each application? Thanks guys!”

A Jeremy Hopkins asks,
“Have you ever looked around and realized the clutter was taking over the shop? Not just project parts that haven’t been completed, but all those “someday” purchases, the vast collection of tools, or the growing collection of wood and wood scraps?”

WT105 – Woodworking in Pasadena

On today’s show, we are doing a little Woodworking in America recap and of course our regular selection of shop stories, links, voicemails and emails.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon is extra busy doing volunteer work but he just can’t figure out why. He’s currently building a gate and sticking 200 lf of moulding, egg & dart moulding.
Marc just finished up installing his Nordfab ductwork in the new shop.
Matt is still busy playing with his new Precious: a beautiful SawStop cabinet saw! Check out his unboxing video.

WIA Recap

Marc gives his thoughts on the instructors, the classes, the marketplace, and the after-hours events at Woodworking in America Pasadena. Be sure to check out Mary May’s Online School.

Around the Web

Fine Woodworking iOS App rocks the house!
David Marks finally released his WoodWorks episodes on DVD and digital download! Get some!
Christmas Box Build Off – Learn more!
Handworks 2013 – A unique hand tool woodworking event in Iowa!
Soulcraft Woodshop – a community woodworking shop, educational cooperative and gallery.
The Nakashima Foundation – Peace Altars

Poll of the Week

When you replace a tool, what do you do with the old one? Vote and check the results!


Frank wants to know the difference between paint thinner and mineral spirits and how much he should dilute for wiping applications.


Greg wants to know if he can use 3-4 sheets of plywood for a workbench top.
Larry has some joints opening up on his potato and onion bin.

iTunes Reviews

Special thanks to the following folks for their 5-star reviews: Already Bored, MS-Colorado, BarronB, Stew Paul and jsl7374

WIA Recap Voicemails

Matthew Watkins – (@watkinswoodwork)
Kyle Barton (@Texwood)

Jeremiah (@sawdustislife)

WT104 – This Forum Sucks!

What’s on the bench?

Shannon: back from The Woodwright’s School with Windsor ready to finish up. Working on toolbox prototypes.
Matt: playing with Sketchup and actually putting to use some features he was previously intimidated by. Recommends FWW SketchUp Guide and Bob Lang’s Woodworker’s Guide to SketchUp
Marc: Dream shop is nearing completion. Festool CMS Router Table review.

Around the Web

Amazing video about woodworking for the blind. Watch Now!
Utah Man Creates Woodworking Class for the Visually Impaired
New podcast! Billy’s Little Bench
Dr. Who fans rejoice! Build a Tardis
Tardis Builders
Looking to run compressed air lines in your shop? Check out Rapidair
If you are sick of the crappy fence that came with your tablesaw, check out VerySuperCoolTools!
Buy and sell woodworking plans at SawToothIdeas.


How to prevent burning stopped chamfers.
Advice from Nick the police officer on how to deal with stolen woodworking tools.

Join us next time for a special call-in show!

WT103 – The Convention Show

On today’s show, we have two special guests to give us first-hand perspectives on two woodworking conventions. Dave Campbell, Editorial Content Chief at WOOD Magazine, gives us the low-down on the latest tools and gadgets shown at IWF Atlanta. Here are some links to Wood Magazine’s coverage of IWF:

Friend of the show and fellow podcaster Rob Bois stops by to tell us all about his experience at Fine Woodworking Live several weeks ago.

WT102 – You Don’t Need A New Saw!

On today’s show, we’re going to share some great links from around the web and we’ll answer a bunch of your emails. It’s all about the email today baby.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon: is very proud of his compound miter (hopper) joint!
Matt: attempted to sharpen his Craftsman saw and actually had good results!
Marc: just had a great interview with Paul Schurch in the Guild and the house just received an upgrade to 400 amp service.

Around the Web

Check out the Table of Contents from Bob Lang’s new compilation of Craftsman Furniture Shop Drawings.

IWF 2012 Education Schedule

Lie Nielsen posted this crazy saw on their Facebook Page. Roy Underhill’s custom single-stroke dovetail saw.


First off, Awesome show. I am new to woodworking and my future wife has FINALLY given me permission to build a couple of simple tables for our upcoming wedding. However, she would like them to look old and antique. Through minor research I have seen people using a solution of vinegar and steel wool to distress wood. I am pretty sure I can take some aggression out on the wood to make it look old, but I am lost when it comes to finishing. How do I make these tables look like they were made 100 years ago.
— Seth

I’m building a tea box for my nana and i’ve been trying to cut dovetails in some scrap soft maple. i’m using a crown gent’s saw but no matter how careful i am i can’t seem to get the cut without gaps (mostly further down in the cut). Is it me pushing down to hard and causing the blade to move preventing a nice plumb cut, or is the gent’s saw blade simply too flexible? In a way i’m hoping it is so i have an excuse to buy the Veritas dovetail saw haha.
— Greg DiMarzio

I am in the process of building a baby doll cradle out of plywood scraps that I had leftover. I’m trying to use templates and a flush trim bit in the router table to get consistent curves in the front, back, and sides. First attempts have just been awful. I expected the usual plywood tearout, but I am finding that once I remove the template from plywood, the veneer is actually pulling off completely about 2 – 3 inches from the edge in a few spots. Add to that the process of removing double-sided mounting tape from already peeling veneer, and I’m sure you can get the picture. The bit is relatively new and sharp. The plywood is birch veneer from a hardwood dealer with thicker veneer and much nicer plys than the home center stuff. Do you guys have any thoughts on what I might do to prevent (or at least minimize this) before I attempt the other pieces? The router is set to the highest speed. Should I slow it down? What about template fastening methods? Anything that might be easier to remove than double sided mounting tape?
— Kevin

Shannon mentioned his Plywood Pricing and Grading Article

WT101 – Wingin’ It!

On today’s show, we’re pretty much wingin’ it! We each found some cool links from around the web and there’s no shortage of exciting things going in our shops!

What’s on the bench?

Shannon: finished up the corner cabinet, thinking about a tool tote a la Underhill
Matt: Tried out the new shop layout with good results…but somehow lost his saws before they ever got in the shop
Marc: Shop build is progressing nicely. Getting inspiration from David Marks’ new Marquetry DVD. Playing with Rockler’s new Dado Jig.

Around the Web

Adjustable Height Workbench sent in by Greg DiMarzio.
David Marks’ Marquetry DVD
Drum site with extensive discussion of glues sent in by Vic.
ToolSelect.com Create-your-own Review Video Contest

WT100 – 100th Episode Celebration

On today’s show, we’re celebrating our 100th episode!!!! We’ll have a few special guests and we’ll be taking your calls throughout the show.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon: Spring pole lathe, corner cabinet, and Woodwrights Shop DVDs.
Matt: Breaking Knew Concepts saw blades.
Marc: Building a new shop.

WTO Timeline Highlights

April 1st 2007, Episode #1 – Wood Talk Online was born.
April 1st 2009, Episode #53 – Bad April Fool’s Joke: Nuttin’ Wrong With Knittin’ is a new sponsor
July 18th 2009, Episode #57 – Matt and Marc Meet at AWFS 2009
June 10th, 2010 – Shannon officially joins Wood Talk Online in Episode 71 after guest hosting in episodes 66 and 70.
Sept. 7th 2010, Episode 73 – Wood Talk Online officially becomes Wood Talk Online Radio

Live Calls

Bobby Slack, Kari Hultman, Loogie, Dyami Plotke, Todd Clippinger,


Congratulations on your 100th show gentleman! Here’s a hypothetical: You have just entered a universe where money and shop time are infinite. What would be your next project? Are there any woods, tools or techniques that you would specifically want to use?

Jonathan P. Szczepanski (AKA Johnny No Name)


Chuck Bender, Eric from Kissimmee, Jeremy Kriewaldt, Jonathan Mendoza, Lucas Peters, Runningwood, Shawn Sealer, Tom Sustins, and Wilbur Pan.

WT99 – Improv Woodworking

On today’s show, we’re talking about outdoor workbenches, woodworking with humidity in mind, Marc’s new shop, and the concept of “Improv Woodworking”.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon is working on his Corner Cabinet and Spring Pole Lathe. Matt’s 2012 resolution is finally coming true, and Marc just returned from a teaching trip at the William Ng School and is finishing up his little Step Stool project.

Around the Web

Marc’s Interview on Ravinheart (Spray Finishing)
Vic’s Video Shop Tour
Register IWF Atlanta Aug. 22nd – 25th
2013 Desert Woodturning Roundup
Evenfall Studios Woodworking Library
Smart Head Shaving Horse

Listener Emails

Chris Spak asks:

The problem I have is that I don’t have an indoor space to build a workbench and the table that I use to pot plants is just getting destroyed by racking forces. I would like to build a bench, but because of space issues, it will need to stay outside 24/7/365 in south central PA with all of its seasonal extremes. The bench could have a tarp draped over it and there is a smallish overhang near where this would most likely be, but that is about it for cover and shelter. Of the woodworkers that I have talked to about this subject, most don’t have an answer. The only answer that didn’t involve the phrases “that’s a tough one” or “move” involved building a base out of cedar and having a top of white oak. If you have any thoughts of a route I might be able to take, let me know.

Shannon suggests using air-dried Douglas Fir from a reputable hardwood dealer as well as sealing the end grain and keeping a tarp over the piece. Marc mentions possibly thinking outside the box and using materials other than wood for more stability.

Aaron Cashion asks,

I recently installed a 3 speed Rikon air cleaner in my basement. Due to low ceiling height, I screwed it directly into the floor joists. Yes, you can see where this is going. Needless to say the entire first floor shakes when I turn it on. Any suggestions on how to keep it close to the ceiling, and isolate the vibration? I was thinking maybe some rubber strips or some sort of springs. Keep up the good work.

Marc and Matt suggest suspending the unit from the ceiling using I-bolts and S-hooks. Shannon suggests possibly mounting the unit on a wall instead.


Roberto moved to Illinois! Wants to know what he should keep in mind when building furniture in a humid environment.
Marc recommends he check out the Woodshop Widget!

iTunes Reviews

Thanks to the following folks for leaving us a 5-star review in iTunes!
Michael Ingram, Umbria Bob, Jeff Branch, Iachan, and Stevetilling.

Just a quick note that our next show will be a special call-in show to celebrate our 100th episode!

WT98 – Asa’s Apology Tour

Before getting to the meat of the show, I do want to state very clearly that Asa did not request to be on Wood Talk Online Radio. I invited him and offered him a chance to discuss his thoughts on the recent debacle. Of course, we like to keep things light-hearted, hence the title and the image associated with this episode. I want it to be clear that we have the greatest respect for both Asa and Fine Woodworking, but we like to poke fun whenever possible and fortunately Asa was on board. So with that, here’s the rest of the show notes.

On today’s show, Fine Woodworking Editor Asa Christiana sits in for Shannon as a co-host. We’re also talking about the best multi-tasking tools and how to make the best use of a small work space.

Primary Topic

Scaling down and getting the most out of your tools. Which tools are the best multi-taskers? Which tools give you the best bang for the buck? Combination tools, track saws, and putting your tools on casters are all great places to start.

A Shop Built Around An Island – Article
A Shop Built Around An Island – Video

Around the Web

The Highland Woodworker Episode 2
Fine Woodworking Live
Shop Talk Live
Modern Woodworkers Association

iTunes Reviews

Thank you Kpete75 and TravNwhit

WT97 – The Jigs Up!

On today’s show, we’re talking about whether you can save money by building your own furniture, Jeff Miller’s new jigs for hand tool work, and a few topics pushed back from last week’s show including how to make a rule joint and long-term tool storage.

Around the Web:

Jeff Miller’s Jigs for hand tools
Jeff Miller’s new jigs are designed to make the process of creating a mortise and tenon with hand tools quick, easy, and accurate. Matt and Shannon discuss whether or not elaborate jigs have a place in the hand tool shop.


Nathan – Can you save money by building your own furniture?
John – How to make a rule joint?
MLCS Woodworking Rule Joint
WoodSmith Shop Rule Joint
Roberto – What do I use to protect my tools during long-term storage.
Cosmoline or Ballistol

iTunes Reviews

Thanks Brian Brazil and 94Av8r!


On today’s show, we are getting ready for Woodworkers Safety Week by discussing our scariest workshop moments.

What’s on the bench?

Matt complains about how his wife changed her plans for their new entertainment center. Marc has been working on a video about the MicroJig’s MJ Splitter. Matt mentioned using the MJ Splitter for Dados and there is a slideshow on MicroJig’s site on this topic. Shannon is using his new joinery bench to work on his new clock project.

Around the Web

Glen Huey visiting the Michigan Woodworkers’ Guild May 19, 2012
Popular Woodworking publishing The Woodwright Shop seasons 1-3 and 20 on DVD and in Shop Class On Demand

Listener Emails:

I’m slowly but surely building a Roubo workbench. I noticed that Shannon positioned the parallel guide on the leg vise at the bottom of the leg, while Marc has his above the shelf… I’m curious what both of you think about advantages/disadvantages of this placement? …Shannon, any regrets on putting it on the bottom of the leg? Marc, I’m guessing your choice of placement was largely guided by the Benchcrafted hardware. —Mark Jacobs

I’m considering purchasing a Lie-Nielsen #4 smoother with the 55 degree high angle frog. Is this a good idea to go with the high angle frog to use as my primary (only) smoother? Aside from having to push sightly harder and sharpen more often, is there any downside to using a 55 degree smoother for every smoothing task? I typically use cherry and walnut, but I’d like to use some curly cherry or more figured woods in the future. Adam Weigand (Why-Gand)


Dyami sends in a router safety story and reminder.


Matt describes a scary router accident. Shannon tells the tale of his tablesaw kickback. Marc confesses to a recent bandsaw cut that almost resulted in an ER visit.


Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline.

On today’s show, we’re answering your emails and voicemails again. When to change your respirator cartridges, basement woodworking and the impact on HVAC, strategies concerning beading on a drawer front, polyurethane flammability, good woods to practice your planing, ebony species for G&G work, and cutting bevel angles exceeding 45 degrees.

What’s on the Bench?

Matt: Back from Vacation…Do not confuse Pirates of the Caribean ride with Williamsburg re-enactors!
Marc: Re-building an old prototype project and finishing up the Split-Top Roubo.
Shannon: Shaker clock and Spring Pole lathe

Around the Web:

Fine Woodworking April Fools
2012 WIA registration now open for both locations
2012 WIA Buddy Tracker Spreadsheet
Nintendo Controller Table
Star Trek Enterprise Coffee Table

Listener Emails:

Chris Landy
I have a question regarding respirators. I have the 3M 7500 Series Reusable Half Facepiece, Model 7503
It’s the one that Marc recommended way back when on his video “Dust in Time”. I use it for heavy sanding and finishing in my tiny shop, but I am not sure how often I should swap out the filters. How do i know when they are spent and know longer doing their job.

Aaron Cashion
I will finally have my first shop, and it,will be in the basement. The only concern I have is my hvac equipment is down there. Do you have this issue, and if so what do you recommend for keeping this thing clean? I will have a cyclone and an air cleaner. I would appreciate any advice at this point.

J – One in Millions
I am making a jewelry box for my wife. She wants zebrawood fronts on the drawers. My thought was to build the drawers out of walnut and use some shop made veneer for the fronts with an 1/8″ wenge bead around the edge.

1. How do you recommend I make the 1/16″ round overs on the 1/8″ bead?
2. I’m also open to other dark woods for the bead because I’ve heard wenge splinters terribly.
3. I’ve read recommendations about creating a sort of shop made plywood for the drawer fronts in order to give the fronts stability which would help the bead stay on the ends by reducing movement across the grain. It sounded good to me because it would help the bead stay on the end and for the second reason that my wife wants the zebra wood to run vertically. I read that the minimum number of layers for this process is 5. Considering I was shooting for a 1/2″ thick max front it sounds like a pain because the veneers are thin. What are your thoughts on this theory and is it required for drawer fronts where the largest front is about 8″ wide and 3″ tall?
4. Will the bead stay on over time with the above method and which glue do you recommend?


Nathan – Concerned about Polyurethane flammability
Aaron – What woods do we recommend for hand plane practice?
Brad – What type of ebony for G&G and will Brazilian Ebony work too?
Daniel – Has a bevel to cut that exceeds 45 degrees. How would we go about cutting it?


Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline.

On today’s show, its all about listener mail!

Around the Web

Pop. WW’ing: California considers table saw law

PBS iPad/iPhone App – Watch Wood Wright episodes!


Shane and Ryan both asked for our recommendation on the must-have tools for the beginner.
Doug wants to know what oil he should use for rust prevention on his hand planes.
Bruce wants to know how to finish his maple and walnut chess board.


Have a question or topic suggestion? Email Us or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline.

What’s on the bench?

Shannon: finished the Queene Anne side table, small bedside stand for wife, Shaker clock for HTS
Matt: Broken closet door and a Hock Smoother
Marc: Finishing touches and some product reviews (Domino XL, ClearVue CV06)

Around the Web:

Paul Sellers on YouTube
Doucette and Wolfe YouTube channel for great project videos
Fine Woodworking Shop Talk Live new podcast now in iTunes!
The William Ng School video collection!
Bonus footage of Roy Underhill on the Highland Woodworker
Bernoulli Shell Clamp
The apprentice and the journeyman “Poorboy parallel clamps”


Is a Festool drill really worth the money?
The many specializations involved in running a wood shop.


Have a question or topic suggestion? Email Us or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline.


Woodworking in America is going to be in two locations this year: Cincinnati, Ohio and Pasadena, California

Fine Woodworking is getting into the mix with their own event: Fine Woodworking Live

Amazing Kickback Video from NewWoodWorker.com

Highland Woodworking’s new web show: The Highland Woodworker

Tom’s Tips from Tom Iovino – Using playing cards as shims!

The Hawaii’s 20th Annual Woodshow 2012 – April 1-15 – The 20th annual show will be juried by a panel of locally and nationally known artists and design professionals and is well-known for highlighting the very best in local woodworking with participation from woodworkers from every island.


Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline.


Today we discuss our 2012 woodworking resolutions. Shannon plans on finally taking a 5-day Windsor Chair class, Matt plans on re-organizing his shop (for the last time??), and Marc plans on doing more client work and pushing his personal skill set.

As part of the discussion, we mentioned Roy Underhill’s School, William Ng’s School, and Easy Wood Tools.


Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline.


Today’s topic is holiday gifts. What we like to make, what people seem to enjoy, and even some of our gift-giving blunders.


Marc, Matt & Shannon,

Chris has been hard at work starting up the Modern Woodworker’s Association (Tom and I are trying to assist).

The group and site are still young, but we’re trying to leverage online woodworking friends into personal woodworking friends though local get-togethers. We’re currently looking to flush out the site (modernwoodworkersassociation.com) with an about page, a mission statement, more posts and probably local chapters.

The draft mission statement we’re working under is: We all belong to a woodworking club, the online woodworking club. The Modern Woodworkers Association is a place for the online woodworking community to reinforce our online connections and create personal ones in local gatherings.

Even though we’re not fully flushed out, it you guys would be kind enough to spread the word on WTO, we’d really appreciate it.


Dyami Plotke


Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline.

And we’re back!

Since Woodworking in America just took place last week, we devote the entire episode to discussing everyone’s impressions of the event. We hear from Tom Iovino, Tom Buhl, Nik Brown, Matt Gradwohl, Dyami Plotke, and Aaron Marshall.

Since most of this feedback comes from the active blogging community, I can imagine how we might show some bias. So if you went to WIA, give us some feedback on the event! We’d love to hear from you!


Just when you thought it was a summer safe from Wood Talk Online Radio….we’re baaaack.

Since Marc ditched us on the last episode, we decided to exact our revenge on Marc with a little unsolicited advice for the soon to arrive baby Spags. Marc and Nicole, we hope you pay attention because this episode may go down in history is the first WTO where we actually give out some sound advice. You have given everyone so much advice over the years, it is time we give a little back.

Congratulations to you both.

A very special thanks to everyone in the woodworking community who provided their two cents on this episode. You know who you are.


The Wood Talk Online boys are taking a Summer break! But here’s one last show for you to enjoy…..sort of… I’m hosting this one solo but I managed to get the guys to send in a couple of relevant audio clips.

This week, I’m heading out to the big tool show in Vegas, AWFS.. I’m going to be one of the judges of the Fresh Wood Competition. Want to see footage from previous competitions? Check these videos out:
Fresh Wood Competition 2007
Fresh Wood Competition 2009

We also have a big Charity Build coming up that you won’t want to miss!

And don’t forget the Christmas in July Sale in the Wood Whisperer Store coming up on July 22nd.

If you’re going to Woodworking in America, we’ll see ya there. And that’s when you can expect the next Wood Talk Online Radio show since Matt, Shannon, and I will be there in person! Should be an awesome way to kick off the next season of WTOR.

Board Meetings #3

Dax is working with cypress and when he mills his boards, they start warping almost immediately. Will is making bridle joints out of cherry and finds that once the material is removed from the female part of the bridle joint, the ends start to close in a bit so that he can’t even do a dry fit. Jay is in the market for a new cyclone and needs some advice on the Clear Vue as well as metal ductwork.

If you would like to participate in a Board Meeting, you’ll need to sign up for the Wood Whisperer Guild. We’d be glad to have you!


On today?s special live edition of Wood Talk Online Radio, we?ll be discussing leaving a woodworking legacy, popping the grain on non-figured woods, Popular Woodworking goes digital, and other stuff and things! We?ll also have some voicemails, emails, and the common task quiz.

Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline. And don’t forget to visit the forum at WoodTalkOnline.com!


Lim’s voicemail kicks off a conversation about building for your personal legacy.


Pop WW?ing goes digital?
Adam King steps down from managing Twitter #woodchat
Charger?s maiden voyage Adirondack Guide Boat


Louis asks about popping the grain in redwood.

Common Task Quiz:

You are making a table top for an end table. The top is compose of three boards. Do you alternate the end grain or no?
This same table decides to cup one year later. Its causing a separation from the table aprons. What do you do?

Chat Room Questions

What makes a woodworking class good? – ShawnG
Do your co-workers listen to WTOR? – Jim


On today’s show, we talk about joining the Frogpants Network, woodworking seasons, and our big topic for the day: the hand tool craze!

Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline. Don’t forget to visit the forum at WoodTalkOnline.com!

What’s on the Bench:

Shannon – Music appreciation trophy.
Matt – Cheap plywood troubles!!!
Marc – Cabinet refinish for mom.

From the Forum:

The Electric Hand Planer

Around the Web:

New Saw Sharpening Service
The Perfect Wooden Surfboard


Dyami had a question about “Woodworking Seasons”.

Main Topic

What’s with the hand tool craze and will the pendulum ever shift back to power tools?

iTunes Reviews:

Nitro Tom
“I recently moved and increased my commute by an hour. You guys make the drive enjoyable. It allows me to think woodworking while away from the shop. Keep doing this podcast, or I?ll quit going to work.”


On today’s show, we are leaking………..the class list for Woodworking in America that is! We’ll also share our picks for the best articles from the magazines, our favorite content from around the web, and any other news from the woodworking world and the Wood Talk Online Forum.

Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline. Or you can check out our individual sites at MattsBasementWorkshop.com, TheWoodWhisperer.com, and RenaissanceWoodworker.com

What’s on the Bench:

Shannon – Tool cabinet (bite off too much?), Bow saw kit
Matt – Client bookcases, scratching head on corner piece.
Marc – Buying some sweet mahogany.

Magazine RoundUp:

Popular Woodworking June 2011 – Secrets of the Sector
Popular Woodworking June 2011 – The Craft Classics in Just 5?
WOOD Magazine ?Why Buy Big When Bentop Will Do?”

From the Forum:

Shop Progression
Modern Woodworkers
1/4″ Plywood – Am I Crazy?

Around the Web:

Silas Kopf’s New Site – Amazing marquetry
Woodworker’s Journal Videos
Fine Woodworking Shop Planner
The Festool Sweepstakes
My Most Recent Favorite Example of Japanese Woodworking
AllTop.com Woodworking Category
Cast Iron Honing Plates For Diamond Paste

Woodworking in America 2011:

Sept. 30th – Oct. 2nd and it promises to be the biggest and baddest one yet! Featured instructors include…..
David Charlesworth, Roy Underhill, Charles Brock, Peter Follansbee, Ron Herman, Jay Van Arsdale, Adam Cherubini, Brian Boggs, Chuck Bender, Robin Lee, Thomas Lie-Nielsen, Jeff Headley, Steve Hamilton, Glen Huey, Megan Fitzpatrick, Christopher Schwarz, Robert Lang, Ajax Alexandre, and Steve Shanesy.


Download WIA Class Descriptions
Download WIA Extracurricular Events


Shannon is also looking for cool content ideas. Send him your links to any content you post concerning WIA and he’ll help you get a little extra exposure. He also needs plans for a good helmet mount for his iPhone or a chest mount. Best suggestion will receive a free Hand Tool School t-shirt.

WIA Class List Favorites:

Shannon: Jay van Arsdal – Shoji, Chuck Bender – Furniture: Good the bad and the ugly, Adam Cherubini – Nailed Furniture of the 18th Century: The Other Traditional Furniture Style

Matt: The Contrarian Cabinetmaker – Steve Shanesy, Saw Sharpening Demystified – Ron Herman, Secret Drawers and Hidden Compartments – Chuck Bender

Marc: Charles Brock – The Sculpted Rocker, Charles Brock – Sculpting by Hand and Power, Jay van Arsdal – Japanese Joinery 101


On today’s show, we have a special live episode for you where all the topics come directly from the community either from the forum, from emails or from voicemails. We?ll be discussing card scrapers, sharpening with sandpaper, planing narrow boards, paring with the bevel down, and deciding between storing your lumber in the garage or in the basement.

Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline.

Poll of the Week:

Provided by Tomsworkbench.com
Do You Use a Card Scraper When Preparing Projects for Finishing?
I?ll use it occasionally: 49 votes
Every project: 48 votes
I?ll break it out for tricky to smooth pieces: 46 votes
What?s a card scraper?: 18 votes
Only when there?s no other choice: 6 votes
I would never use one: 6 votes

William Ng’s Sharpening Method


Erin has a question about sharpening.


Julien wants to know if its ok to pare with the chisel bevel down. He also asks for advice on his planing technique. Shannon recommend this article from Kari Hultman. Julien recently did a tutorial on cutting dovetails and you can check that out here.

Jim is trying to decide whether to store his lumber in his garage or in the basement in his shop.

iTunes Reviews:

Thanks Lemonjell0 for the 5-star review!

Board Meetings #2

Download the MP3

Kyle is making some frame and panel doors using solid wood and is wondering whether or not he should pre-finish the panels.
Jason wants to know if its safe to use Tried & True Varnish without wearing a respirator.
Richard is trying to make a hollow column and needs some construction suggestions.


Download the MP3
On today’s show we WILL NOT be discussing what saws a beginning woodworker really needs. But we just might talk about taxes, the future of woodworking, as well as a butt load of content from the magazines, blogs, and forums. We are NOT live today!

Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline. You can find all three of us on Twitter as @renaissanceWW, @WoodWhisperer or @MBWPodcast.

What’s on the Bench

Shannon – dovetailing cherry carcasses
Matt – plywood arrived, wal-eyed cutting boards
Marc – Cross cut sled, designing G&G Adirondack chair, the new book

Magazine RoundUp

Switch to Spraying Water-Based Finishes by Teri Masaschi (Fine Woodworking, June 2011)
How To Make Thick Light Tabletops by Brian Sargent (Fine Woodworking, June 2011)
Case Closed (Fine Woodworking, June 2011)

Around the Web

Chris Pye’s new subscription woodcarving site
The Anarchists Toolchest is coming soon
Andrew Lunn of Eccentric Toolworks leaves the saw making market
This is Carpentry – Gary Katz
Studley Tool Chest with Norm at Furnitude


Laird asked our opinions on the future of the woodworking craft and whether woodworking will become a more viable career path as the world moves toward more sustainable products and less “disposable” furniture.


In honor of Tax Day, we had informal discussion about our personal business/tax situations as they concern our woodworking.


Download MP3
On today’s show we’ll be discussing bad April Fools Jokes, what saws a beginning woodworker really needs, how to tune up an old hand plane, as well as a butt load of content from the magazines, blogs, and forums.

Email us at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or call and leave us a voice mail at (623) 242-5180 or Skype us at WoodTalkOnline. You can find all three of us on Twitter as @renaissanceWW, @WoodWhisperer or @MBWPodcast .

What’s on the Bench

Shannon – tool cabinet, restoring Toothing planes
Matt – prepping for large shelving build and playing with spokeshaves
Marc – Cabinet assembly, lumber rack, “me” time.

Magazine RoundUp

American Woodworker: Compound Dovetails
Popular Woodworking April 2011: “Separated at Birth?”
WOOD Magazine May 2011: “Make Your Grinder Greater”

From the Forum

What a Difference a Year Makes
Plane For Thicknessing
Board Foot vs Individual Boards

Around the Web

#Woodchat on Twitter, Wednesday nights at 9pm Eastern
American Craftsman Project– sent in from Daniel Russell
Win some free stuff from HomeFixated.com!
Lie Nielsen Hand Tool Event at Popular Woodworking April 15th and 16th
Mafell Panel Saw – Hands-Free Woodworking?
New MD chapter of SAPFM forming, first meeting this Saturday 4/9 in Rockville with Kaare Loftheim as guest speaker.
WoodTreks.com is putting out some new content?
Steve Shaunessey steps down as editor of Pop Wood to build stuff

Common Task Quiz

Squaring front apron of workbench
Transporting large sheets of plywood
Transporting solid wood lumber


Apparently we answered this same question last week. Oops!
Ty Allan writes:
I am a new woodworker and am branching out into the hand tools. I currently have no hand saws and am looking to buy some. Lee Valley has nice sets in my price range, but I need some help because they all look the same to me.

Steven Kiser writes in with some tips he learned after diving into the world of hand tools:
– Always apply some wax to the bottom of the plane…SO much better
– Position the wood closer to the edge of the table. This will make it much easier to follow through on the stroke.
– Alter the weight distribution during the stroke, so that it starts in the toe and ends in the heel (back).
– Make the cuts more consistent when pushing the plane. I noticed that it is easy to move off the standard patch
– A wider mouth will give you a thicker cut – which may not be what you want.
– If you dial down the iron too much, you basically just made a chisel out of your plane.
– It is much harder than it looks, but it is not that tough


How to restore hand planes.
Ramblings of a Crazy Man – Refurbishing Old Hand Planes

Board Meetings #1

Recently, I decided to start helping Guild members with their woodworking issues on a true one-on-one basis. Not through email, but using Skype and having an actual conversation. I also decided to record these interactions and post them as an audio show, which I’m calling Board Meetings. This is really a bit of an experiment, and if the response is good we’ll make it a regular thing. Please enjoy!

Download the MP3

Brannon Pierce
What’s the difference between the Thein Separator vs The Dust Right Vortex from Rockler?

Best size blade for resawing with a 3/4HP bandsaw?
WoodSlicer Blades
Timberwolf Blades
BC Saw & Tool
Lennox Blades
Resaw King
Harbor Freight 2HP Dust Collector

Robert Tarantino
Just finished up his Roubo Bench and shares some of his experience with us.

Dan House
Dan is having some issues with his shellac application and needs a little advice on French Polishing.
French Polish Like a Pro by Vijay Velji

Randy Lewis
Looking for ideas for a tall auxiliary tablesaw fence.
Wooster Woodworker Tablesaw Auxiliary Fence
Wood Magazine Tablesaw Fence Support
WoodSmith.com Tablesaw 10 Best Tablesaw Jigs
Tablesaw Caddy/Auxiliary Fence from the William Ng School.

John Smith
Wants to know if I am teaching classes as William Ng this year.
Should he take the Fundamentals Class at the William Ng School?
He’s building a Maloof Dining Chair from the Charles Brock plan.
Filling a flaw in his dining chair

Shawn Nichols
Building a chest of drawers and looking for assembly advice. Should he glue up one side at a time?

Steven Leonti
Needs advice on how to start designing his own table.
Download SketchUp


On today’s show we’ll be discussing lessons learned about hand planing, Popular Woodworking’s new website, setting up shop, as well as our favorite articles, blog posts, and Wood Talk Online Forum posts.

What’s on the Bench:

Shannon – What to do with the monster African Mohogany plank and using foam core for a prototype.
Matt – Assembling the Hock shoulder plane kit.
Marc – Moving the shop!

Around the Web:

Pop Woodworking’s new website


Setting up the shop and how our shops constantly evolve.

Around the Web:

– From Daniel Russell sent us this link. Maybe next show we’ll do something similar for woodworking tools. 12 Essential Tools for a Toolbox
– Hawaii’s Woodshow: The 19th annual juried show is April 8-17 in Honolulu.
– WIA 2011 announces dates Sept 30-Oct 2 but only the dates, no news yet on registration, lecturers…more importantly the marketplace.

Common Task Quiz:

– Cutting Miters?
– Cutting Compound Miters?
– Breaking down stock from the mill?
– Fixing an ill fitting mortise and tenon?


– Ty Allan had a question about hand saws.
– Dr. Daniel Gardner asked for advice on breaking down stock.


On today’s show we’ll be discussing whether plywood has a place in fine furniture, Fine Woodworking’s new site, as well as our favorite articles, blog posts, and Wood Talk Online forum posts. Call and leave us a voice mail at 623-242-2450. You can find all three of us on Twitter as @WoodWhisperer @renaissanceWW or @MBWPodcast.

Right Click to Download

What’s on the Bench:
Marc – Guild Build, Pocket Screws, and new (old) shop.
Matt – New dust collector
Shannon – approaching the HTS final project, just finished sliding dovetails. New Federal bed commission, will try out EWT turning tools on it.

Magazine RoundUp:
Popular Woodworking – Underhill’s article on Roubo’s bookstand
Wood Magazine – March 2011 “Easy Sliders” – Nice little review of drawer slide installations.

From the Forum:
How long does it take to build an 18th Century Highboy?
Are Woodworkers Artists?

Around the Web:
Jeff Miller started his new chair blog: Furnituremaking.com
Fine Woodworking’s new site: StartWoodworking.com
Woodworking -News Winter Newsletter – A recall has been issued for Ryobi Recalls Cordless Drills Due to Fire Hazard & Portable Table-Saws Recalled by Ryobi Due to Laceration Hazard
Anthony Hay’s, Cabinetmaker – AnthonyHayCabinetMaker.wordpress.com

Common Task Quiz:
You are making a bookshelf and it appears your shelf is too tight in the dado, what do you do?
Same question, only the shelf is too loose?
You go to do final smoothing on a board and no matter what direction you go, you’re getting tearout, what do you do??

iTunes Reviews:
I love listening to the podcast and I gave it 5 stars because that’s what Matt said to do.

ChrisH – I I don’t have an enourmous amount of time to listen which is unfortunate for me. I catch up on business trips. It is the best way to pass the time on a plane or in a car. I can’t wait to get back home and look into everything i learn from these guys. Shannon is a nice addition. This is the absolute best way to stay current on the wwww (worldwide web of woodworking). Thanks guys!!!

ibuypower – I love this Show!! Its nice they take woodworking seriously but not themselves.

DublinMark – Its nice to have another hour long podcast to block out my wife, kids, and the new Wii! Great show with lots of items of interest to any woodworker.

Will Wilson
“I really want to be a good furniture maker and am torn about how and when to use Plywood. I have used it a lot but recently spoke to a “professional” maker and he said “fine furniture” never uses plywood. Problem is if I ever want to sell this stuff for some extra scratch, I need to keep it at least on the upper end of affordable which I think will mean some plywood where it makes sense. What are your thoughts / design principles on this? Maybe you could add this to WTOL for the boys to chat up?”

Tom’s Tip – RTFM!
Get more great woodworking tips from Tom’s blog: TomsWorkbench.com


Right Click to Download

You can reach us by email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450. You can also find all three of us on Twitter as @MBWPodcast @WoodWhisperer or @renaissanceWW . And we’re even on the Facebook too.

What’s on the Bench:
Marc – Working on the finishing e-book.
Matt – finally adding archived MBW episodes dating back to the first episode, Samantha’s coffee table
Shannon – new job, HTS lesson 5, gifts, designing a stool

Movie Review:

Articles/Blog Posts:
Shannon – duplicate content and different perspectives. English Framing square in Pop Wood
Matt – Schwarz shop tour (most envious of the large windows and wooden floor)

From the Forum:
A Year in the Life of a Furniture Maker by Dale Osowski

Staining Oak End Grain

Opinions on the Thien Baffle
Should Roberto buy the Shopsmith Dust Collector?

Tom’s Tip – A pencil makes a great push stick.


On today’s show we’ll be discussing our favorite articles from the magazines and the blogosphere, a few good posts coming from the Wood Talk Online forum, and how to fix an exposed Domino or biscuit. We’ll also have a fun game of Pick the Fake Story, and we’ll have a little technique roundtable that I think you guys are really going to enjoy.

Remember, you can reach us by email at woodtalkonline @ gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450. You can also find all three of us on Twitter as @MBWPodcast @WoodWhisperer or @renaissanceWW . And we’re even on the Facebook too.

What’s on the Bench:
Marc – Painting the Advent Calendar
Matt – Brese plane is done!
Shannon – walnut card table

Articles/Blog Posts:
Marc – Cutting Edge First Aid FWW Tools & Shops 2010
Matt – $5 for a 1/8? Twist Drill? Only in America? – “John’s Blog”
Shannon: Giant Cypress: Overheard at a Lie Nielsen Tool Show – NOT SAFE FOR WORK OR LITTLE EARS!
The Saw Blog

From the Forum:
Power Tools and Hand Tools Living Happily Together?
Beginner’s Tool List
Frustrated by Cutting a Straight Line
Gretchin’s Cradle

Steve – Bandsaw resawing issue.
Dyami – exposed Domino on walnut surface


You can find us on Twitter as @MBWPodcast, @WoodWhisperer, and @RenaissanceWW and also on Facebook too.

What’s on the Bench:
Marc – Working on the advent calendar and the hinges for the small doors.
Matt – Finally finished up the buffet.
Shannon – The Hand Tool School is in session!

The Rough Cut Show: discussing the impact of the show and the reaction on the web.

From the Forum:
Start Your Christmas List
Kid-Proofing Your Shop
The Stanley #80

Steve – Finishing with Arm-R-Seal on soft maple.
A Simple Varnish Finish DVD
Eli – Pore-filling wenge and shellac that won’t dry.
Jeremy – Comments on bevel up/down

Tom’s Tip (TomsWorkbench.com) – Dollar Store plastic containers keep things organized.


You can reach us by email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450. Or you can find us on Twitter as @MBWPodcast, @WoodWhisperer, and @RenaissanceWW and also on Facebook too.

This is a special on location version of Wood Talk Online Radio, recorded in my hotel room at Woodworking in America 2010. Joining us for a lively discussion are Tom Iovino from TomsWorkbench.com and Adam King from WoodworkersJourney.com. Of course you already know Matt Vanderlist from MattsBasementWorkshop.com. Unfortunately, Shannon couldn’t make it so he’s conspicuously absent.

We discuss our thoughts and impressions of the show, including the marketplace and the educational sessions. The conference itself was incredible, but the real attraction for us was clearly the interaction with our fellow woodworkers. Putting faces to names and avatars really takes these friendships to the next level and you can hear the excitement in our voices. Now on a technical note, the audio isn’t regular Wood Talk Online quality but it was the best I could do given the scenario.


You can reach us by email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450. Or you can find us on Twitter as @MBWPodcast, @WoodWhisperer, and @RenaissanceWW and also on Facebook too.

– The WIA classes we are most looking forward to.
– Low angle vs high angle planes.
– Can you live without a tablesaw?

What’s on the Bench:
Marc – The honduran mahogany trestle table/desk
Matt – Still plugging away at the Ron Brese Small Smoother Plane Kit
Shannon – Toolbox for WIA

Woodworking in America
Fourth annual Mid-Hudson Woodworkers Show Saturday September 25 at the Hurley Reformed Church in Hurley New York $3 admission

Rob wants to know our thoughts on bevel up vs bevel down planes as well as the use of add-on fences to jointer planes.
Adam Cherubini’s post: Tools You Don’t Need
Forum Post: Why Bevel Up Why Bevel Down

We also had an email from David Young concerning the design article we discussed last episode.

From the Forum:
Can You Live Without A Tablesaw?
Marquetry Table by Jason Straw
Girlfriends in the Shop

Earl – Problems finishing exotic woods
Roberto – Rust disaster
Bobby Slack – Staining advice for built-in featuring plugged screw holes

Guest Tips:
Tom’s Tip – A cheap T-square?
Visit Tom’s site, Toms Workbench


You can reach us by email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450. Or you can find us on Twitter as @MBWPodcast, @WoodWhisperer, and @RenaissanceWW and also on Facebook too.

– What’s been keeping us busy all summer,
– The woodworking styles you should probably get to know,
– Our favorite recent woodworking articles,
– Some cool crap going on in the forums.

What’s on the Bench:
Marc – Wood Talk Online Radio and the Wood Talk Online Forum. The Chest of Drawers is done!
Matt – Started Ron Brese Small Smoother Plane Kit and a Walnut side board for some friends. BUT I’ve spent most of my summer renovating a portion of an old Lazy Boy furniture warehouse space into my wife’s new photo studio (roll that beautiful footage)
Shannon – 2 Adirondack chairs, Hepplewhite Bookcase, Bevy of Boxes, Claw Feet, Designs for Christmas Card Table and Trestle or French Country Table, Jefferson Desk

Woodworking in America
Fourth annual Mid-Hudson Woodworkers Show Saturday September 25 at the Hurley Reformed Church in Hurley New York $3 admission

From listener Jeremy Hopkins”
“I know you have provided a great service, and have spent time “perfecting” the art of woodworking – at least as much as anything fluid is ever perfected – but I had a question concerning what you felt were the three styles of furniture that every woodworker should attempt, if not feel that they have achieved some level of “mastery” over. Yes, I realize this can open a can of worms as to what constitutes mastery, but that is not the field of this request. I’m more concerned with starting points than ending points at this particular moment. Should a woodworker attempt Stickley, or Federal, or perhaps some other style? Or does it remain in the best interest to rarely venture outside of the Shaker realm?”

Articles/Blog Posts:
Marc – Woodworker West Sept/Oct. 2010 Profile: The Maloof Legacy
Matt – A visit to the Design Doctor Sept/Oct 2010 FWW
Shannon: Gottschall Block, Bob Lang

From the Forum:
Avoidance Behavior: started by Bobby Slack
Table Saws, Granite vs cast iron table top: Started by Aaron B

Sweet Deals:
Highland Woodworking
Earlex HV 3500 HVLP Spray System $129.99
Triton 10″ Sliding Miter Saw $199.99
Eagle America – Huge Cutting Tool Sale – Save up to an additional 20%! All router bits, shaper cutters and saw blades including sets and clearance items. Ends September 15, 2010.
Sears Friends and Family Sale– Sat. Sept. 11th – Extra 10% off tools but 20% off other stuff.

Erin Missouri – Difference between bevel chisels and bench chisels?
Roberto – Working with Bamboo. Special precautions, blades, etc.?
Mike NJ – Electrolytic rust removal.

Guest Tips:
Tom’s Tip – Enough room for your projects?
Visit Tom’s site, Toms Workbench
Kari’s tip – Inspiration from old stuff.
Visit Kari’s site, The Village Carpenter.


You can reach us by email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450. Or you can find us on Twitter as @MBWPodcast, @WoodWhisperer, and @RenaissanceWW and also on Facebook too.

Eye Safety: Shannon had a close call and learned a little about eye injuries and treatment
Our “Just for Fun” Projects
Popular Woodworking – its been a few months with the new format. Are they living up to promise?
Fine Woodworking’s Call for Bloggers
Which woodworking styles you think everyone should master
And drum sanders.

Don’t miss your chance to sign up for Woodworking in America!

Around the Web:
Tico Vogt enters the shooting board market with the Super Chute
New Bad Axe saws: 12 & 14″ saws
Popular Woodworking’s writeup about Treefrog’s Maloof-inspired chair
TreeFrog’s Finale
Forum Thread: The Woodworking Funk
LumberJocks Summer Awards

Jim – Drum sander advice

Sweet Deals:
Lee Valley – Free Shipping until July 11th http://www.leevalley.com/us/home/page.aspx?p=60912
Craftsmanplans.com “Woodworker’s Guide to Sketchup” by Bob Lang, $30 & no shipping til July 1 http://craftsmanplans.com/sketchup.htm
July 1. Czeck Edge Tool 5th anniversay sale. Free shipping on orders over $30 http://czeckedge.com/

PeachTree Woodworking 4th of July Sale- 25% off Everything Ends July 4th. Use code July 1.
Penn State Industries – buy 3 pens of same style, get 1 free until 7/1; hurry
Woodcraft – free shipping on orders $25 or greater until 7/6

Carter Products – $30 off Quick Release or Jet/Delta 14″ guide set use code MUSA10
From David White: $32.50 Diamond Sharpening Stone
Eagle America – $4 shipping orders under $99/ Free Shipping over $99 till July 5th use code E2100623

Tip Clips:
Tom’s Tip – Use the lube!!
See more from Tom at TomsWorkbench.com


You can reach us by email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450. Or you can find us on Twitter as @MBWPodcast or @WoodWhisperer and also on Facebook too.

Glen Drake dovetail saw
Project Bucket List

Around the Web:
The Woodshop Widget
iPod/iPhone/iPad App
Alison Heath’s Workbench Marketing

Bart – Wood vs metal planes. Opinions on Power planes.
Dyami- Tablesaw adjustment mechanism.

Sweet Deals:
Noden Inlay Razor Kit: Normally priced at $249.00, the Noden Inlay Razor is available for special introductory pricing of $199.00.
Woodcraft – spend $75 or more, get a free knife code 62610
Highland Woodworking – 192900 Earlex HV2900 HVLP Sprayer w/ a free copy of Jeff Jewitt’s Spray Finishing Made Simple Book & DVD $149.99

Tip Clips:
Tom’s Tip – Get a Wedgie!
See more from Tom at TomsWorkbench.com
Kari’s tip – Carpet Tape
Enjoy more of Kari’s work at Villagecarpenter.blogspot.com


You can reach us by email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450. Or you can find us on Twitter as @MBWPodcast or @WoodWhisperer and also on Facebook too.

Special Guest: Shannon Rogers, The Renaissance Woodworker!

Workshop security?
Specialty blades “thick kerf”- Should they be made?
Twitter Woodworking Talk with AdamKing and FurnitureGirl right now.
Festool at Walmart???

What’s on the Bench?
Shannon- A shop full of projects!
Matt – Forgot to measure his bandsaw blade width correctly and suddenly discovered why it wasn’t tensioning properly. Also dusted off his grinder and sharpened some rusty old blades that would’ve taken forever by hand.
Marc – Cabinet project live streaming all week.

Around the Web:
Peter Galbert’s “Chair Notes” blog
Woodworking Custom Plans
From the Forum: The Next Tablesaw Lawsuit
PegsandTails.com – Sent in by Jeremy Kriewaldt.
Woodwerks Windsor Chair Kits


Renee- DC quick connect fittings coming loose.
Runningwood- What fasteners do we keep in stock? How to make sliding dovetails with hand tools?

Sweet Deals:
Spring BlowOut Sale– use code cnw2010 for 30% off!
Highland Woodworking deals –
DeWalt DW411 1/4 Sheet Finishing Sander – $29.99 (was $39.99)
DeWalt DW317 Variable Speed Orbital Jigsaw – $59.99 (was $99.99)
Rikon 10-305 10″ Bandsaw – $199.99 (was $279.99)
Eagle America – Free Shipping on any order through 5/31/2010 Promo code H2100522
Woodcraft – Free Shipping on orders of $25 or more
Peachtree Woodworking – 25%-60% off select items enter keycode mday1

Tip Clips:
Tom’s Tip – Cheap Squares
See more from Tom at TomsWorkbench.com
Kari’s tip – Spring is in the air!
Enjoy more of Kari’s work at Villagecarpenter.blogspot.com


Questions or Comments? You can get a hold of us by either dropping us an email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450.

Show Topics:
Safety Week 2010
Woodworking in America Schedules
Something new in the world of blotch control from Charles Neil
Your Voicemails!

What’s on the Bench:
Marc is traveling a lot and working on the design of the Summer Guild Build project (a chest of drawers). Matt recently went to a Lie-Nielsen even and is finishing up a storage bench.

Voicemail Questions:
Bill – Advice on making knobs?
Roberto – Cutting metal on bandsaw? Marc recommends a Lenox Bi-Metal Blade
Adam – Why does the suction drop off dramatically when going from 4″ pipe to 2 1/2″ pipe.
Mark – Should I resaw or plane 4/4 stock for drawer material.
Roberto – triple hinges? Adam Nolen sent us a link for a 3-way hinge.

Tip Clips:
Tom’s Tip – Safety glasses for every tool!
See more from Tom at TomsWorkbench.com
Kari’s tip – Benefits to being safe in the shop.
Enjoy more of Kari’s work at Villagecarpenter.blogspot.com

Sweet Deals:
Eagle America: For WTO listeners only, get FREE Super Saver Shipping on Any Size Web Order. Offer good now thru 5/31/2010. Must use Promo Code WOODTALK69 during checkout
Highland Woodworking Free Ground Shipping on Festool Machines within lower 48 states.
Woodcraft.com spend $25 get free shipping

Voicemail Comments:
Shannon Rogers – hand tools and power tools
John Ohio – Loves his jointer!
Tony V – Explains his tablesaw incident

And for those of you who like video, here’s the live video version:


Questions or Comments? You can get a hold of us by either dropping us an email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450.

This week, we have a special guest host with us: Rick Waters from the The Splintered Board Podcast and The Sawdust Chronicles.

Show Topics
Using hand tools, even for the boring stuff.
The differences/uses of rabbet vs shoulder vs plow vs router planes
Can you learn ww’ing from books and videos alone?
What’s on the Bench:

Take Popular Woodworking’s Tablesaw Safety Survey.
Check out the new SketchUp series for purchase in the Woodworker’s Book Shop.

Dave has snipe! – We recommend Episode 52
John wants to make raised panels and needs some advice.
JohnnyNoName wants to know what non-woodworking tools we use in the shop.

Tip Clips:
Tom’s Tip – Brown Paper Bag finish trick.
See more from Tom at TomsWorkbench.com
Kari’s tip – Top 10 Tips for Wives (mention that is FOR WIVES or spouses)
Enjoy more of Kari’s work at Villagecarpenter.blogspot.com


Questions or Comments? You can get a hold of us by either dropping us an email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450.

This week, we have a special guest host with us: Rick Waters from the The Splintered Board Podcast and The Sawdust Chronicles.

What’s on the Bench:
Rick is working on his workbench. Matt is busy caressing his new Steel City granite-topped tablesaw, and Marc is sharpening his tools and complaining about it the whole time.

We have a great roundtable audio clip from the folks at Popular Woodworking magazine concerning the new format due out in March. We are VERY excited about this!
New Veritas Detail Rabbet Planes

Woodworkers Fighting Cancer

The passing of two great woodworkers from our online community. We appreciate both of their contributions and send our condolences to their families.
John Lucas from Wood Shop Demos.
Niki Avrahami – Check out this write up from Tom at TomsWorkbench.com

Around the Web:
Logan Cabinet Shoppe – Bob Rozaieski does some great video podcasts with the primary focus on hand tool techniques.
Todd Clippinger’s American Craftsman Workshop
TableSaw Injury Report (Sent in by Dean)

Sweet Deals:
WoodcraftSpring 2 day sale Feb 26 & 27 items range from 10%-20% off
Buy any 10″ Freud Saw Blade and Get a Free 10″ Blade Bag
Buy any 10″ Freud Saw Blade and Use coupon code: 14808 to get a Free 10″ Blade Bag – A $9.99 Value!

Buy any 4 Bessey DuoKlamps Get a Free Bessey Klamp Extender
Use coupon code: 22010 to get a Bessey Extender – A $24.99 Value!

Woodcraft coupon offers

Highland woodworking – free ground shipping on Festool Lower 48 states only
FREE 16-pc Guide Set when you buy a LEIGH SUPER FMT thru 2/28/2010

Eagle America:
Place a $75 or more order and get $10 OFF Your Order plus pay just $4.99 Flat Rate Shipping!! Must use promo code WOODTALK67 at checkout. Offer valid now thru 3/14/2010

It Came From the Forum:
How Flat Is Your Tablesaw?

Daniel (YucatanDan) gives us a great tip for erasing pencil marks.

Roberto needs some advice on long clamps.

Toms Tip: Creating radii using stuff around the shop.
Kari’s Tip: Kari leans to the left.

And don’t forget to check out the New England Home Show if you happen to be in the area!


This week, we have a special guest host with us: Shannon Rogers from the Renaissance Woodworker.

What’s on the Bench:
Shannon is putting the final touches on his workbench project and is enjoying his time with his new Lie Nielsen tongue and groove plane. Marc is back from his classes at the William Ng School. Matt is trying to figure out how the heck he is going to get that new granite-topped tablesaw down into his basement.

Woodworking in America conference announced: take the survey and win a prize!
Should there be power tool instruction at this conference? Tell us what you think in the comments.

Last chance to win a Super FMT!

Around the Web:
Be sure to check out The Spoken Wood Podcast, Matt’s new show! Subscribe in iTunes!
Clark sent us this link: an amazing mini boat-builder.
Brett sent us this link: furniture from wine staves

The Unplugged Woodshop

Highland Woodworking and Fine Wood Working magazine New Year’s Sweepstakes ends January 31.

LumberJock’s Winter Awards

Sweet Deals:
Eagle America – FREE Super Saver Shipping on any size web order. Must use promo code WOODTALK66 at checkout. Offer valid now thru 2/14/2010

Highland Woodworking still offering free shipping (in the lower 48) on all Festool machine purchases.

– Free shipping on orders $75 or more coupon code 12010 (lower 48 states only and expires Jan 31, 2010)
-15% Off One Regular Priced Item Offer excludes All power tools, SawStop, Festool Products, Leigh Jigs and Gift Card purchases. Not valid with other coupon offers. Offer ends 1/31/2010. Use coupon code: 10110

It Came From the Forum:
What to buy a starting woodworker?

Carla asks about dust collection in a basement shop. Marc recommended Bill Pentz’s site for more information on dust collection.

Lee- jigsaw not cutting straight
BedrockBob – Recommendation for wide bench chisel.
ShopMonger – How to tell whether a chessboard is veneer or solid wood.

Toms Tip: Flattening the back of those used chisels.
Kari’s Tip: Take time to befuddle future generations.


Questions or Comments?You can get a hold of us by either dropping us an email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450.

What’s on the Bench:

Marc’s finishing up his prep for the upcoming William Ng classes. Matt is building some bookcases is at the point of assembly. And now he’s got a waiting list for his work!

Merging of Woodworking Magazine and Popular Woodworking Magazine!

Around the Web:
Great article sent in from David J. Ulschmid at WispWoods: Undervaluing Yourself and How to Stop

New Yankee Online

FWW and Highland Woodworking’s “New Year’s Sweepstakes”

LumberJock’s Winter Awards

Sweet Deals:
Get some sweet Toughguy workpants and donate your old ones. Check out WoodWerks on Jan 15th for more details.

Highland Woodworking has Free ground shipping on Festool machines. Limited to within in the lower 48 states

Woodcraft – Save 15% On All Rob Cosman DVDs Now Through January 30, 2010

Woodcraft online coupons

It Came From the Forum:
Win a Free Leigh Super FMT!!!

Bo in Syracuse needs advice on a starter set of chisels.
Chuck in Wisconsin wants to know what he should buy, a skewed block plane or a rabbet block plane.
Johnny NoName asks about sandpaper grits across brands.
A few helpful articles concerning sandpaper: Sandpaper 101, Sandpaper Grades

Toms Tip: A nifty way to remove splinters
Kari’s Tip: Waterstone holders.


Questions or Comments?You can get a hold of us by either dropping us an email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450.

What’s on the Bench:

Marc – The new Green & Greene frame project. Designing and pushing the limits. Dealing with his mom “not getting” his design.
Matt – Starting a small bookcase project. Starting to doubt my bandsaw riser block’s worthiness.

Fine Woodworking gets new forum, and the sky proceeds to fall!!!
Lumberjocks Winter Awards
Czeck Edge tools introducing a new ruler stop.

Whats new at Pop. WW’ing: New thicker, bigger, and brighter magazine coming in April and a new website in 2010.
Also, the Handplane Basics DVD is on sale until the end of the year. Use the code: PW3OFF they’ll get another $3 off.

Around the Web:
Tom’s Lead Article
Roy Underhill’s School’s new website and schedule has been posted.

Sweet Deals:
Adjustable guide system 50% off Regular Price: Now 67.50
Eagle America Special Offer: $15 OFF your $100 internet order! Use promo code WOODTALK64 at checkout. Offer valid now thru 12/31/2009
Tools-Plus.com – $6.50 shipping
Lost Art Press’ “the art of moxon” digital version (revised and expanded) on sale.
Highland Woodworking: Free ground shipping on Festool machines – limited to within the lower 48 states and also Free ground shipping on orders over $75 now thru Sunday Dec.20th. Use coupon code SHIPFREE1209 at checkout.

Woodcraft: Holiday offers page on their website
Get Free Ground Shipping on Any Order using coupon code: 12126 during checkout. Offer excludes excess weight fees, lift gate fees and is valid on in the contiguous United States. Not valid with other coupon offers. Offer ends December 26, 2009.

It Came From the Forum:
Lie-Nielsen pulls products from Woodcraft store.
The real story: Ethan from Grey Stone Green

Roberto – Replace or sharpen planer knives JJP-12? How to achieve a distressed painted look?
EHow Article
Repair Home article
Pg. 159 Hand Applied Finishes (Jewitt)
Johnny No Name – First Aid kit in shop?
Luke- Blades for RAS?


Questions or Comments?You can get a hold of us by either dropping us an email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450.

What’s on the Bench?

Marc’s gearing up for round 2 of shop upgrades, including new garage doors, blown-in cellulose, and an A/C unit. Matt finished up a child’s dresser. Only 2 months late!

David Marks live interview on Monday Dec. 7th. Join the Guild today!
David’s Bandsawn Veneers DVD
Super FMT from Leigh Jigs

Around the Web:
Not your father’s turntables! Audiowood.com
Our listener Angus Pitt sent us a link to WoodGears.ca: a neat little website with some interesting articles.
Forget hand carved Christmas ornaments, check these out!

Sweet Deals:
Old Fashioned Milk Paint deal, now through December 31st:
* Order over $50.00 of any products and get a FREE sample of Daddy Van’s Beeswax Polish. It’s a beautiful finish over milk paint, and it is all natural and child safe, too!
* Order over $100.00 of products and they’ll include a FREE QUART of Old Fashioned MIlk Paint or their new SafePaint !
* Deck the Walls Special! “Buy 3 Gallons SafePaint- Get 1 Free” special was so popular they’re bringing it back, just in time to spruce up your home for your holiday entertaining. This special may not be combined with any other offer.
Woodcraft – free shipping on all orders
Rockler – Jet parallel clamps on sale 31″, 40″, 50″ sizes online only

It Came From the Forum:
Rob Lopez wants recommendations for a good combination tablesaw blade. Join the discussion!

Jess- Rocking Chair plans
Charles Brock’s Plan
Hal Taylor’s Plan
Eric-Refinishing pricing
Mark-Durable Table Top Finish
Behlen’s Table Top Varnish

Bud made a modern workbench utilizing the strength of the torsion box. NO hardwood.
Danny wants to know how to properly finish oily exotic woods, like cocobolo.

Tom’s Tip: (TomsWorkbench.com)
A great tip for consistent sanding.
Village Carpenter’s Tip:(VillageCarpenter.Blogspot.com)
Kari suggests you get your whittle on!


Questions or Comments?You can get a hold of us by either dropping us an email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450.

The shortest WTO ever! Just a little Thanksgiving update from Marc and Matt. Marc is working on a rocking chair repair.


Questions or Comments?You can get a hold of us by either dropping us an email at woodtalkonline@gmail.com or you can pick up the phone and leave us a message on our voice mail at 623-242-2450.

What’s on the Workbench?
Marc – Just finished the Wall-Hanging Tool Chest for the Guild.
Matt – installed his bandsaw riser block…wow that’s tall!

Norm is retiring!! Woodworking Magazine interview with Russ Morash, producer of the New Yankee Workshop.

International Dress Like Norm Day
In honor of Norm Abram, the folks at Woodworking Magazine and Popular Woodworking are asking all Norm fans to dress like the man, take a photo of yourself in costume and send it to me by midnight Monday, Nov. 2, at chris.schwarz@fwmedia.com. The person who sends in the best photo (as determined by our staff), will win a great prize.

Magazine Roundup:
Matt’s Pick: A Woodworker’s Journal article on green finishing by Micael Dresdner.
Marc’s Picks: Fine Woodworking’s “How to Design Furniture” book/magazine thingie and The “Build or Buy” article in the latest issue of Popular Woodworking.

Around the Web:
A couple cool iPhone Apps to try out- ID Wood and Boardfeet
Official website for Splinter “the car”– check out the veneer loom and more
Skateboards from fallen limbs and axes

Holiday Project Templates at Eagle America – Get ’em while they’re hot!

PBS’s The Router Workshop Video Series ($4.00 for each month)
You will receive one episode per week of the Router Workshop. There are 183 episodes in this video library.

An Interesting Scenario to ponder:
17yr old kid wants to be a woodworker. Already has some shop experience and is showing great potential. Does he aim for a woodworking school or business school?
Listen to the show to hear advice from your fellow woodworkers, as well as the staff of Popular Woodworking.

Magazine Website Roundup (Pt. 2):

User-generated videos
How to Videos from the Wood Magazine Editors
Free tool demos
Over 100 Pay-per Download titles
Free Weekly Newsletter (no sales pitches)
More than 1000 woodworking plans for sale in the Wood Store
A comprehensive index of every article that has appeared in WOOD magazine

Woodworker’s Journal Offerings (Rob Johnstone – Editor in Chief, and don’t you forget it!)
eZine (an online woodworking magazine emailed every two weeks)
There’s also two other sites of interest: WomeninWoodworking and FreePlans.com.
In addition to these websites, they also offer a fully digital version of the print magazine with supplemental digital content.
Of course there’s also an online store selling back issues, downloadable digital plans, books, CDs.
And they also have a blog page with Chris Marshall as it’s main blogger. But all of the staff at one point or another use from time to time.

Sweet Deals:
FREE Super Saver Shipping on ANY SIZE ORDER at Eagle America! Use promo code WOODTALK61 at checkout and select Free Shipping as your shipping method. (Offer valid for two weeks only, now thru 11/9/2009).

20% off Sorby turning tools and free shipping on Jet Lathes now through Nov 1st at Woodcraft.com

It Came from the Forum:
Woodworking in the Cold

Roberto has a great question concerning planer/jointer blades: to sharpen or to buy?

Tom’s Tip (TomsWorkbench.com): BBQ’s make great mobile carts?!?!
Village Carpenter’s Tip: (Village Carpenter): Dental tools, for more than just torture!


We had some serious trouble with Ustream and almost canned the show. But just as we were about to log off, Ustream started working again. So the result is an abbreviated show featuring voicemails, audio segments, and Sweet Deals. Enjoy!

Sweet Deals:
Earlex SprayStation 5000 – $269 at Highland Woodworking

Digital Protractor at Lee Valley $13.99

Peachtree USA: 15% off any internet order with the code wood09. Expires 10/31

Woodworkers Source: use coupon code WOOD448 to get $10 off your first order.
Sign up for Wood Magazine’s Newsletter

It Came from the Forum:
Comfort Wipe: Why Didn’t I Thing of That?

We receive a ton of voicemail this week. Listen to hear them all!

Tom’s Tip (TomsWorkbench.com): Ask your lumber dealer to show you his shorts!
Kari’s Tip: (Village Carpenter): A use for those little magnifying glasses.


What’s on the Bench?
Marc had more electrical work done in his shop and the new garage is starting to look like a shop. He’s currently cannibalizing old cabinets and using them for storage under the extension wing. He’s also teaching two classes in January at the William Ng School.

Matt finally completed Samantha’s bookcase and he’s starting a child’s dresser project.

Around the Web:
Megan’s LVL workbench video.
Charles Neil coming out with a new web series (subscription only)

Magazine Website Roundup:
PopularWoodworking.com Features
Home Page updated automatically: new blog posts, Twitter feed (http://twitter.com/pweditors), and new articles.
– Three great blogs: Popular WW’ing Editors Blog, Woodworking Magazine Blog, Art & Mysteries Blog (Adam Cherubini).
– A crap ton of free Sketchup models in Google’s SketchUp Wharehouse.
– Feeds Feeds everywhere! You can sign up for email notification or use the RSS feed in your own reader. No ads, no spam, just content.
Exclusive video content.
The Woodworker’s Bookshop– Matches Amazon’s prices and they have free shipping on orders more than $25. They also have a rewards program if you buy a lot of books.
Contact Us: Direct phone numbers and email addresses for the entire staff. Let the stalking begin.
The article index: find back issues. Search by author, keyword or date.
A directory of all woodworking suppliers, whether they advertise or not. Get phone numbers, web pages etc. Searchable.

FineWoodworking.com Features
Free Stuff:
The free plan blog, The Tool Addicts Blog, SketchUp blog, huge user gallery, monthly gallery contests for cool prizes, a collection of free videos on our site,Free Weekly Newsletter, Getting Started in Woodworking.
Two free video workshops:
Build a small cabinet
Build a wall cabinet

Paid Member Stuff:
$34.95/yr (14.95 for magazine subscribers) or $4.99/month
Video Workshops: Build a project start to finish with step-by-step video.
Technique videos for members on our site.
Current Issue published online for members.
The Archive! Use the search to find tons of old articles in pdf format.

Sweet Deals:
Sent in from Michael Dove of Kaytrim’s Customs: Lee Valley Overhead Radiant Heater $55

Sent in from Kerry Drake on Facebook: $19.99 Router Base Plate with centering Pin

At WoodWerks: Delta Right Tilt 10″ 3HP Unisaws (no fence) for $699.

Zdillenger from Twitter Woodcraft: At check out, on the left side it mentions Coupon Codes. Enter 812 there and you will get 20% off all LN stuff in your cart.

It Came from the Forum:
A brown paper bag for a fine finish?? HUH WHAT?
A post by dtrust in the Wood Whisperer Forum: “I was wondering if anyone else had heard of this. A friend told me about it a couple years ago, and I’ve been doing it ever since. After all is said and done, polish the final surface with a brown paper lunch bag. It gets rid of any tiny dust nibs and leaves the surface feeling like you rubbed it with baby powder. Maybe the paper is equivilent to 10,000 grit sandpaper?”

Shannon Rogers – Renaissance Woodworker – Shannon’s world is rocked because Matt is using more power tools and Marc is using more hand tools!
Roberto – Wondering if Norm was going crazy when he dipped his tenons in water.

Tom’s Tip (TomsWorkbench.com): Measure Twice Cut Once
Kari’s Tip: (Village Carpenter): Gunk on old blades.

After Show Voicemails:
Margaret from MagnoliaWorks.com tells us exactly how to pronounce Jim Ipekjian’s name.


What’s on the Bench?
Marc has been repairing chairs and just finished up a couple Guild projects (magazine rack and the knife block).
Matt tells us about his trip to Woodworking in America and he finally finished his wife’s bookcase.

Around the Web:
Clark sent us some great Puzzle Box Links.
Bruce Viney
YouTube Puzzle Video 1
YouTube Puzzle Video 2

Twitter Facebook Tips:
@treefrogfurnitu – Dull tools are dangerous tools
@SplinteredBoard – Don’t route end grain and slice open your hand
@RenaissanceWW – leave your checkbook at home when going to the marketplace at WIA
@chwmag – The ratio of measuring to cutting should be 2:1 (This tip is a paraphrase. Some else said it better.)
@WoodShepherd – Keep your fingers away from things that spin, have teeth, and make lots of noise.
@practiklyboring – Used foam brushes: let them dry, tear the foam off. You get a flat piece of plastic on a stick. Makes a good glue spreader.
@joshuasargent – Since I began woodworking, my dad relentlessly tells me that the #1 tip is to end up with as many fingers as I start with.
@John Bratton – Blue masking tape is your friend and start your Christmas gift building now…or pretty soon anyway

We heard a strong rumor that woodworking great, James Krenov, has passed away.
From JamesKrenov.com:
“The author of four crucial books for any serious woodworker, Krenov teaches a philosophy that has become a prerequisite for advanced cabinetry throughout the world. A recognized furniture maker in Sweden, he moved to Northern California in 1981, where he created and led the College of the Redwoods’ Fine Woodworking School. In his twenty years with the school he taught hundreds of eager students from around the world while continuing to build his own fine furniture. He retired from the college in 2002, but is still actively creating cabinets in his home woodshop. James Krenov is represented with works at museums in Sweden, Norway, Japan and the U.S.”

Feb 2007 Robert Lang Toured the College of the Redwoods

Are you attending Woodworking in America?

Sweet Deals:
The Wood Whisperer Giveaway
Chris Schwarz’s new book on sale at Lee Valley – $26 vs $34.50
Free shipping at Woodcraft.com on orders $50 or more until 9/30/09.
For those attending WIA PA workbench bundles of PA Ash are available…try getting that in your overhead if you’re flying!

From John:

I wanted to let you know that I will be attending Palomar College Woodworking School this fall enrolled in the CFT 100 fundamentals of Woodworking and the follow-up 105 course in the spring of 2010. You have been a big proponent of education and always learning new and better ways to do things. You even went to school yourself to learn from a master. So thanks for all your efforts and congratulations on all the things you have accomplished since I first started visiting your web site.

I will be doing a Blog of my 100 course at Palomar and it is listed below. I am very fortunate to be able to attend such a good school and learn things the correct way. I want to do this because other who want to attend may not be able to because of time, money and location. Please pass this link on to anyone who would be interested in following my course and learning with me. I will be posting my class notes and pictures and video’s each week. By the way Palomar College will enroll 180 students in the CFT 100 class. I guess that says Woodworking is making a big comeback. It is also the fastest growing division of the College.

Going to Woodworking School

Thanks again for all your help and advice. By the way pass this information on to your sponsors, I have bought several items based on your recommendations and ads.

John Fleming

Jeff has some advice about folding your bandsaw blade.

WT57 – AWFS 2009

I know we are on our “summer break”, but Matt and I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to do a Wood Talk Online at AWFS 2009. It was the first time Matt and I met in person and we had an awesome time at the show. In this episode, we give you our initial impressions of the show and a quick rundown on the things we thought were most compelling.


What’s on the Bench?
Marc shares his shop moving experience and Matt tells us all about his time at a recent Woodcraft event.

Around the Web:
Tom Iovino’s Great Wood Movement Experiment

Matt’s Krylon Review

LumberJocks Summer Awards

The passing of a great woodworker, Sam Maloof.

Don’t miss your chance to SAVE $40 when you register for this year’s Hand Tools & Techniques Conference by August 3, 2009!

WIA Hand Tool Olympics

Sweet Deals:
July 4th Eagle America Sales Event: Wood Talk Online listeners get a DOUBLE DEAL. Place an order of $75 or more and get $10 OFF their order PLUS pay only $4.99 flat rate shipping. **Offer excludes Festool and Fein merchandise. Offer valid now thru Sunday 7/5/09. Listeners must enter Promo Code “WOODTALK56” during checkout and select $4.99 Super Saver Shipping as their shipping method to take advantage of the offer.

Save 15% on all Whiteside Router bits at Woodcraft.com until July 23rd. This is only on individual bits and not sets.

Epifanes on sale at Jamestown Distributors.

Highland Woodworking has FREE GROUND SHIPPING on orders over $100. Delivered within 48 contiguous U.S., excluding items shipped via truck or with flat rate shipping charges.

50% off Fractional Calipers- Down to $19.99

Magazine Roundup:
Marc and Matt give you a quick rundown of some articles they found interesting in the woodworking magazines.
Woodworking Magazine – Summer 2009 – “Finish the Inside of Drawers, Or Not” by Megan Fitzpatrick
Woodcraft Magazine – June/July 2009: Various article about building your shop.
Woodsmith Magazine: “Gluing up Stronger Joints” “Using Glazes”
Popular Woodworking August 2009: “John Hall’s Frame” by Marc Spagnuolo, “3 Ways to Make Raised Panels” by Robert Lang, Christopher Schwarz, and Glen Huey.
Woodworker’s Journal – “The Fundamentals of Arts & Crafts Design” by Ian Kirby, “Compressor Powered Air Tools” by Sandor Nagyszalanczy, “Custom Cabinet Pulls”
Fine Woodworking – August 2009: “How to Veneer a Sunburst” by Mark Arnold

We received an email from Chuck, and injured vet, who tells us his story and how Wood Magazine and Grizzly helped him set up shop.


We had two questions from our buddy Roberto this week. One was about removing brad nails and the other was about table leaf extensions. I found this Rockler item as one option for Roberto.

Audio Segments:
Tom’s Tip – A tip to remember!
Editor’s Review – Glen Huey tells us all about the new Delta Unisaw. What we can expect and what it means to be “Made in the USA”.


What’s on the Bench?
Marc is prepping for the big move. Matt has is “banana plane” back (the no.4-1/2). Its back from it’s rehab session and is performing like a champ.

Around the Web:

Benjamin Moore iPhone App. NYTimes Article

Woodworking in America: Furniture Construction and Design
Aug. 14-16, 2009, Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, Ill.
Woodworking in America: Hand Tools and Techniques
Oct. 2-4, 2009, Valley Forge, Penn.
Register Today!

Sweet Deals:
Eagle America special Wood Talk Online offer: Free super saver shipping when you use the code “WOODTALK55” at checkout and select Free Shipping as your shipping method. Offer good through 5/31/09. You have to check out their new site!

Peachtree Buy 3 get 1 free clamp sale and also they are having a big Memorial Day Sale.

Highland Woodworking Steel City 14″ bandsaw kit now $499, down from $799.

Woodcraft is offering 15% off a full line of finishing products and related items until May 25th.

Save an extra 10% on your order at Popular Woodworking’s Book Store, with offer code WWMEM09. Remember Every order over $25 gets free standard shipping!

We received a great email from David (runningwood) about traditional woodworking programming and how it reinforces the misconception that project should be done in a very short amount of time.


Tim asked about washing filter bags. John is concerned about wearing gloves in the shop but doesn’t want to deal with splinters. Jim is having difficulty keeping his engrain from staining darker than his face grain. Bob has a question about putting a burr on his scraper.
Check out there helpful links on the subject of card scrapers:
Wood Whisperer – Barely Scraping By
Todd Clippinger’s Scraper Sharpening Method

Audio Segments:
Random Person Tip – Matthew Groves gives us a great Ebay tip.
Tom’s Tip – A neat use for Teflon tape!


What’s on the Bench?
Marc finally finished up the Hall Frame article and the Barbecue Cart for the Better Homes & Gardens 48-hr Blog Challenge. With an impending move and a new shop build on the horizon, its a busy time in the Spagnuolo house. Matt recently attended a class with “The Schwarz” and tells us all about it.

Around the Web:
The Saw Dust Chronicles 30 Day Challenge

Woodworkers Safety Week 2009 starts Monday.
Don’t keep your chargers plugged in: Tool Crib article

Registration for Woodworking in America starts tomorrow!!!
Furniture Construction and Design Aug. 14-16 in St Charles, IL
Hand Tools and Techniques Oct. 2-4 Valley Forge, PA
Register NOW!

Sign up for the Wood Whisperer Giveaway!

Sweet Deals:
59″ Parallel Pro Clamp 4 Pack
Regular Catalog Price $149.99 (4 clamps)
E-Direct Special Offer $104.99 (4 clamps)

Zach wrote in and asked:
“I just recently began listening to your show, so if a similar question has already been asked, I apologize. Anyway, I’m very new to woodworking and I’ve become a bit discouraged as of late when I’m working on a project and things don’t really come out as I had planned, or I just flat out destroy something. So, did either of you guys experience anything like that or do I just really need to slow down and think things through more?”

Jimmy from Sweden wrote in and asked:
“Please ask your European fans if there is an good online store for woodworkers in Europe.
I am trying to get an hold of a combination blade from Freud for an 30mm arbor with no luck.”

No Name – Outdoor wood recommendations.
Roberto – Refinishing a gun stock.

Editor’s Tip:
Cheap chisel protectors.


Our Anniversary Show! 2 years! Time to take the show in a slightly different direction. We’ve been sponsored by one of the most popular knitting podcasts out there, Nuttin’ Wrong with Knittin’!

Toms Tip: Keeping splinters out of your yarn.

What’s on the Bench?
Marc is still plugging away on the Hall Frame, trying to balance building, filming, and photographing all at the same time! Matt is excited about a couple new tools he picked up from his Grandfather.

Around the Web:
ToolCritic.com Tools are classified by type and manufacturer, and for each category, 7 1/4 inch circular saws, for instance, there is a little mini article that tells you all about the saws. The user-generated reviews give honest assessments. Some tools get high praise, while others are flamed. And if you post five reviews, you get a free t-shirt.

10 free wooden bike plans from the folks at ToolCrib.com

What Marc got in the Mail:
A new buffing wheel for the 8″ grinder, a plastic drafting triangle, and a square template.

Frank- Essential Hand Tools? And what grade of tools?
Roberto – Making a bed. Sheet goods that won’t break under lots of stress.
Dean – Recommendation for big router in his new router table and a laminate trimmer.
David – Using plywood, how much sanding do you do?

Toms Tip:
Keeping your jigs straight by writing info on the jig itself.

Editor’s Tip:
Learning about wood for free. Check out The Wood Handbook and

Interview With Jim Tolpin:
After more than thirty years of working at woodworking for a living”¦and after having written a dozen books on the subject that have sold more than three-quarters of a million copies. Jim Tolpin is now teaching woodworking for a living at the Port Townsend School of Woodworking. Check out Jim’s website!


What’s on the Bench?
Marc recently had a class at the William Ng School with Darrell Peart and was able to visit the The Gamble House. He also had an opportunity to get some hands on time with the John Hall frame he plans to build soon. Matt is in a late winter slump and is waiting for motivation to get back in the shop.

Around the Web:
Woodworking School Directories: Fine Woodworking and Woodworking News

Follow-up to panel saw discussion. Matt of Harrisville, RI built a nice panel saw of his own. Check out his post on Lumberjocks.

“This to That” Website. A glue “calculator” to help determine which type of glue is the best choice for your project.

Kari Hultman – The Village Carpenter – shared a link on her website from a reader by the name of Heinrich. This is a 1923 film featuring 3 craftsman building wooden shoes, wooden spoons and chairs all by hand and using only basic hand tools! Click Here!

Mentioned before the Lowe’s Creative Ideas page. Just received an email that they’re starting a 4 part video series on March 19th for building an adirondack chair.

David Cloutier was the winner of the Acanthus Workshop Class Giveaway!!! Visit Chuck Bender’s site for details about his classes.

Hot Deals:
Marc’s Madness Sale!! Everything in the Wood Whisperer Store is 20% off!!

Lowe’s 17% off Dewalt tools

Grizzly tools expanded their list of tools eligible for free shipping.

Shane asks about planer snipe.

Tom’s Tip: Cheap and easy sandpaper organization.

Editor’s Tip: Jajoba oil and rust prevention.


What’s on the Bench?
Marc had some trouble hammering small nails, and accidentally sprayed a bunch of finish without the organic filters on his respirator. Marc also shows off his new Leigh Hold Down Clamps. Matt gives us a brief review of his new Wood River hand planes. Matt also had his first experience with high quality plywood, and will never go back to the stuff from the home stores.

Around the Web:
Sawmill Creek Collaborative Project

Lowe’s Creative Ideas Website – online projects for beginner, intermediate and advanced woodworkers. Step by step plans for building projects, includes cut lists, hardware lists and instructions.

iHandy iPhone App. $1.99

Roy Underhill opens up a woodworking school. Read Woodworking Magazine’s blog post here.

Hot Deals:
Woodcraft’s one day only sale February 28th.
Highland Woodworking Steel City Bandsaw $699.99, regularly $989.97 plus free shipping.

James wants to know if a tracksaw is as useful as a panel saw?

Tom’s Tip: Old finish for cheap!

Editor’s Tip: Rust erasers.

Acanthus Workshop Class Giveaway – Chuck Bender

A trivia contest for which the winner will receive their choice of weekend Fundamentals class at the Acanthus Workshop in East Coventry, PA. Choose from any of the weekend Fundamentals classes offered by the Acanthus Workshop during the dates and times specified on the website (Fundamentals 1 July 18 & 19, Fundamentals 2 Mar. 15-15 or Aug. 29 & 30, Fundamentals 3 Apr. 17-19 or Sept. 25-27). All materials for the class are included. Fundamentals 1 is a Saturday and Sunday skill driven class based solely on hand tools. Fundamentals 2 is a Saturday and Sunday class based entirely on power tools where the students make a small footstool. Fundamentals 3 is a Friday, Saturday and Sunday class which blends the two and the students make a one drawer Shaker stand. Popular Woodworking magazine will up to $200.00 in food and travel expenses. Anything beyond the $200.00 that Popular Woodworking is willing to supply is on the winner of the contest.

The contest will run until 5pm EDT on March 10th. The contest is open to anyone except employees and family members of the involved entities. Winner will be announced live on the next Wood Talk Online.

Email answers to: WoodTalkOnline@acanthus.com

Here are the trivia questions:

1. What city was Chris Schwarz in where he fainted during a woodworking demonstration?
2. In what city was Chris Schwarz when he had an expensive infill plane stolen right under his nose?
3. Where did Bob Lang go to High School?
4. Chris Schwarz has referred to Bob Lang’s taste in music as 60-70s rock and roll, but the only musical artist Bob has ever referred to in the blog is from a different genre and era. Name this musical artist.
5. Bob Lang has published 7 books, 5 of them about the Arts & Crafts period of the early 20th century. Name the other 2.
6. What industry did Marc Spagnuolo work in before becoming a professional woodworker?
7. What instrument does Marc Spagnuolo play?
8. What was the name of Marc Spagnuolo’s furniture business?
9. What piece of furniture did Glen Huey build, with help from his Father, when he was 13 years old?
10. What piece of furniture was the first to put Glen Huey on the cover of Popular Woodworking Magazine.
11. What is Matt Vanderlist’s day job?
12. What is the name of the German shop teacher Chuck Bender had in high school?
13. What other business did Chuck Bender have in addition to furniture making?
14. What special event in Chuck Bender’s sons life did Chuck blog about?
15. After ten years in what town did Chuck Bender move his shop to its current location?


What’s on the Bench?
Marc’s putting the final touches on the steamer trunk while waiting for hardware to come in. Matt recently used dye to match some existing stain in a project using a different species of wood altogether. He also signed up for a hand planing class at Marc Adams School being taught by Chris Schwarz & Thomas Lie-Nielsen.

Around the Web:
Malcom Tibbits – Tahoe Turner– Amazing segmented turnings. Check out his instructional DVD’s.
Sketchup for Woodworkers– Sketchup tutorials specifically for woodworkers.

deltaCheck out this great old Delta Ad submitted by Collin. This came from an issue of Popular Science Magazine from 1936!

Free download (PDF) of “An Axe to Grind: A Practical Ax Manual” from the U.S. Forest Service

Dude Craft – just a lot of fun and he mentioned us a while ago!

Of course the big news is that Popular Woodworking is now part of Wood Talk Online. Awesome!

From Woodworking-news.com Newsletter – Ryobi corded circular saws sold at Home Depot between October -November 08 being recalled for safety reasons.

LumberJocks Winter award winners announced.

Clarification on previous mention of Popular Woodworking’s Digital Magazine – Available only to subscribers of the print version. Click here.

Hot Deals:
Eagle America – Free Super Saver Shipping on all orders over $49. Expires 2/28/09

Peachtree 50% Off 12″ Digital Protractor

Grizzly Tools is offering free shipping on select tools (and it’s a lot of their big ones!!) They’re waiving the freight charges.

Shannon wants to know the difference between Seal-a-Cell and Arm-r-Seal. Pete wants to know whether he should sharpen his blades past 8000 on a leather strop. We get opinions from Chris Schwarz and Glen Huey.

Tom’s Tip: How to score a good deal on lumber!

Editor’s Tip: Sharpen on the pull stroke only.

Interview with Chuck Bender from the Acanthus Workshop

Congratulations to our giveaway winners as well!